minho_Shiny I replied to your thread, and I don't know if you've seen it? Would you like to have an RS with me? :)

    Yeah sure... I didn't receive any notification. So I didn't know you replied to me. Sorry for the inconvenience.However, I'm willing to have a review swap with you. I will review yours in an hour or two.

      tinyheadXD I'll be taking my time reading your novel, so it might be tomorrow that I'll be able to post a review. Thank you so much.

      tinyheadXD my review is done i did an honest review and pointed the flaw. Now if you do review of my novel i only need charater review mean that i just need to know which charater is likable and which is not. Which charater you feel like is a hero, villian or anti hero. Thats all.

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