NotUse Sure! I will post your review in a while!
June 2020: Review Swap Here
NotUse Done with your review! Waiting for yours Oh and my id is enthu_reader. It shows different on forum.
Thanks for the review! Working on yours now :)
enthu_reader sure! Will start reading your novel now.
Here's mine:
The_Canary thank you for your review working on yours!
NotUse thank you for the review !!
The_Canary Done with your review!
@yizreel_jez Thank you the review! Working on yours!
enthu_reader Sure. Let's swap.
@evolx24 @enthu_reader
Sure, if you leave a review, I'll get one back as soon as I can -
Lazy_leon Thanks for your review! working on yours!
Lazy_leon Done with your review
prada_murthy Done with your review! Waiting for mine
Jenjibread Done with your review! I really enjoyed it. I should really learn writing tips from u
it was just awesome!
Waiting for mine
You two have a deal :D I was bound to review Crocodile Tears in the future but I'll do my best to get it down this week~!
You two have a deal :D I was bound to review Crocodile Tears in the future but I'll do my best to get it down this week~!
(For others: I'm currently swamped with a thesis, so I'll come back here after a week or so :D )
enthu_reader I just added it to my library -
I'll do my best to review tomorrow -