can somebody answer this for me???
Why is it that chapters for books that I have paid a stupid amount of money to unlock, locked when when I try to reread the story? The stories are already expensive, is it a bug?
Chapter payments
yes because it should stay unlocked
If you paid for the chapter, it stays unlocked. If you did not pay for the chapter, but read it for free (eg, limited free reading, or became a premium chapter after you read it) , it will be locked when you reread the story.
CrispyCritter I paid for them. My wallet can say that for a fact. But I can't read them anymore without unlocking them again
If it was within the past 6 months (I think), the fact you paid for a chapter will be documented in your "Consume History" (click on the coin icon on your profile page).
Note that it is often tough to detect what happened - I reread The King's Advocate a month ago, except for 10 chapters that were locked. It was only later that I remembered that the book had been available for free reading for a few days, and that I had even written a forum message about it! So those 10 chapters were legitimately locked.
CrispyCritter I understand what you're saying but I read the dragon king's son-in-law And unlock all chapters. When I checked from where I started there were a bunch of chapters that were unlocked. But when I moved on up to about 20 chapter or 30 chapters later there were about 20 chapters that were locked and then after that the rest were unlocked But I know that those chapters were unlocked when I was reading them.
ArchAngel_Michael Which book and what chapters?
RABBITICOL It was on multiple books. Some of them ever chapter I unlocked got locked which were in the hundreds
ArchAngel_Michael Must be translated novels. The older translated novels used to have 100s of earlier chapters unlocked. All those previously unlocked chapters got locked about a month or two ago, hence why you think you had unlocked them but then they got locked.
If that's not the case, then you might have just logged in to another account at some point and never realized (sounds impossible but it can happen).
If you are still not assured, you can email and ask them to help resolve your issue
RABBITICOL alright. Preciate the help