Title: (havent decided on one yet)
Link: dontbhave link yet
Genres: werewolf
Synopsis:Rogue Hunter, A 16 year old girl with a dark secret, she keeps herself to herself and rarely speaks to anyone else. But something happens and she blackout out, when she wakes she find out something very unexpected. But what will happen to her? Will she find herself or will she crumble?
Other Info: this post was suggested to me as I'd like to see if my story will get interest before I upload it fully(chapter by chapter) so below you will find the first chapter. Please tell me honestly what you think. The chapters will be short but there will be a lot of them.
Rising in the east the early morning sun begins to peek through the tall trees and a delicate frost covers the forest floor. Creatures begin to stir from a cold night and in an old log cabin a young girl also wakes. “Well here I am, day two in this cabin" she sighs sadly as she goes to the sink. “I’m lucky this old place has plumbing.” She begins to fill the sink with warm water before grabbing her wash cloth from the small unit beside her and placing it in the water. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath in before looking up to the mirror, seeing her reflection she frowns her long silver hair was a total mess, almost as if she’d been up partying all night, which she had never done in her life! She hated parties (unless it was family or birthdays) and anything with large crowds.
With a splash she grabbed her wash cloth from the warm water and squeezed it out before rubbing her face, once done she grabbed her brush and tidied her hair and tied it with a sky blue band. Pulling the plug on the sink she then walked to the draws and pulled out a comfy pair of grey sweatpants and a pale blue vest top then her black and red running shoes from beside her bed. After dressing she gives a sad emotion filled sigh before stepping out into the cold crisp air, closing the cabin door behind her before setting off jogging at a steady pace towards the sunrise.
Around twenty minutes in her run Rogue stops to look at her surroundings, though in the middle of the forest the scenery was breath-taking. “Wow!” She said to herself in awe of the beauty of nature. After a few moments it’s time start jogging again while looking at the trees towering high above her, jumping over fallen branches as she went careful not to trip or fall. Having been running for some time Rogue stops as she could hear running water, steadying her breathing she walks towards the sound and smiles happily when she sees a fresh water stream with a small waterfall further upstream.
“Why did I never come to the woods before" Rogue mumbles to herself “I feel like i belong here like I was meant to come here all my life.” Looking down in to the flowing water at herself she groaned , her silver hair stood out like a soar thumb and her dazzling blue eyes almost glowed, or at least that’s what she thought, her life had now been turned upside down in just a matter of days but she was determined to make this work. She had too! With a firm resolve in her heart she frowned before turning on her heels and began heading back the way she came, only this time she spotted a fallen willow tree with several branches broken off.
“Hmmm I can use these!” her voice filled with excitement, making a grabbed for a particular branch she tugged it in all ways to test its strength before using her feet to free it from the rest of the tree. Searching round the fallen tree she found several other, yet somewhat smaller branches, which she began gathering with full intentions of making them into a bow and arrows. Once satisfied she had enough to work with she used a few of the vine like stands of the willow to tie the wood together so she could return to the cabin without having to do multiple trips.
Carrying the wood back made the return journey to the cabin a little longer but she had worked up an amazing appetite, carefully placing her finds down in the main living area of the cabin Rogue went to the cupboard to fetch her breakfast. “Dry cereal again Rogue...well grubs up!” Her voice full of sarcasm and sadness, she did miss her family but they...well they rejected her the day of her 16th birthday. Once she slumped on the bed she took her diary from under her pillow, that was her favourite place to put it even in her old home.
Flipping through until she found the next blank page she then took her pen and began writing. ‘Dear diary, its February 9th 2016 and my second day in this old cabin. I’m grateful that it has plumbing but it only has one electric light, I did find an entire box of candles before I went to sleep last night which is a blessing and there is even a storage shed round the back which is full of logs for burning! What a relief! At least I’ll have something to keep me warm.’ Rogue paused and looked round in the room and her lips pulled into a delicate smile then she returned to her diary. ‘I went out on a run this morning and found a stream it looks like fresh water so it should be drinkable and I’ve collected some willow branches which I can make into a bow and arrows! That is if I can find some sting to use on the bow. I still remember how to make a bow and arrows thanks to that summer camp we all went too three years ago...that was so much fun and I seemed to have a natural skill for the bow. My so-called family didn’t like it that I was better that Robert and Susan my older “twin siblings"! I hated finding out the truth about the family I’d been with all my life...I wasn’t even part of that family. They just found me dumped on the doorstep' Tears began to fill her eyes so she stopped writing and fought against herself, she was stronger than this she wouldn’t cry!