Started getting this error today and I’ve tried everything from resetting my phone, resetting and restarting my WiFi to deleting and reinstalling the app. Nothing worked and I don’t know what is causing it. Please help.
Failed to read the book (-100003) error.
Phema2241 same here network error 200 for me and I habe done everything too
Phema2241 Ditto :'(
Same here
I’ve experienced the same error and I already tried refreshing my library a lot of times, I also tried to log in and out as well but it doesn’t work so I ended up uninstalling and installing this app but then still nothing happened...
Me too.
I contacted CS - final said that they were aware of the issue & team trying to resolve it.
we are so sorry for the problem. we fixed it but it may troubled you about 3 hours. webnovel will make it up to our users. thankx for your supporting!