Nou you seemed one of the editor?
or you are not?

    Please check my book first and tell me what you think of it.
    Then further discussion will take place in the future.

      Nou sorry for my low iq, but can you pls explain what is copy, line, mechanical, substantive, and those other things?

        Anyone in need of an editor? Message me your discord, I'll add you there and we'll talk.

          Alwan_ If I'm not wrong, Nou is an official editor contracted to webnovel.

          Was. Was an official editor. Haven't edited any other works in a loong time.

          qidian is his boss.

          No, think of it like freelancing also: I'm also a freelancer and picked up a gig via Qidian--only, it's at their rate. So kind of like Uber/AirBnB.

            4 days later
            a month later

            Hi, guys! If you're looking to hire an editor with experience, feel free to add me on discord: kathie esgue#0077
            Please note that I offer editing, copy editing, heavy editing, and proofreading services only.

            Not sure which service is right for you?
            You can use the following as reference:
            a) If you’re looking for a thorough, critical, and in-depth review of your work that helps express your ideas in the simplest and crispest language, then choose editing.
            b) If you’re looking for a simple language check where only minor polishing is needed, then choose copy editing.
            c) If you’re work is a translated or transcribed content where no changes must be made to the voice and meaning, then choose heavy editing.
            d) If you’re work has already been edited, and you only want a basic search for any typographical or minor text errors, then choose proofreading.

            We can discuss any further questions on discord, so don't be shy and send your request.

            CHZ I did a quick look at your synopsis and made a few edits. I'd like to send them over to you on discord, so please send me a request at kathie esgue#0077. Don't worry, it's completely free since I did it at my own expense.

            • CHZ replied to this.

              Hey guys
              I see some of you are looking for editors and I'd be glad to help. I've edited alot of books so I have a pretty good amount of experience
              Message me on discord: MzMysteryy#5189 or email me
              I offer editing, proofreading, line editing and copy editing at a low rate such as $1 per chapter or if you don't have it at the moment we could work something else out and I'd still be glad to help ya out. :))))

              Littlepunnie I read the synopsis as well as the first chapter. The story is pretty interesting and shows a lot of promise. Only minor editing and proofreading are needed to polish it.

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