BuruxXxRynna Hey there. Can't help noticing your pleas.
I would like to recommend a novel of mine. It had almost everything that you had mentioned except for Romance.
It's a slow burner, slow finder, kingdom building novel that takes place in fictional England, of course, in the mid 15th century.
Be forewarned though. You won't be expecting the MC be telling you about his reincarnation. It won't even tell you about the system he had with him all along.
Normally a novel would depicts the normal cliche of waking up with a system or being in someone's else's body and mind. No... There's nothing of it. Even the plants, fruits are not readily found in England at that time...
What you would experience along the way is how a person, a layman, a Prince, survived along with some people who faithfully followed him through the journey of his life.
A person who keeps things on the down low, not some dense MC or one that had an IQ of 260...!
You may follow my discord as i would include in a visual of how the settlement during that time would look like. How certain things mentioned in the novel would look like in real life like a bamboo defensive structure et cetera. BTW, bamboo doesn't exist in England at all and it's just part of a novel, a fictional one, a fantastical world which you, may discover as you go along the chapters.
It's written more than half a year ago and constantly updated. If you're into discovering the unknown, then the link below is the one that's waiting to be clicked on. Same goes to those who reads this reply as well.
It got about 1million views so far and I wished to hit a 1k collections by end of August, perhaps?
I don't do IG, FB but you could add yourself to the discord channel.
BTW, I don't do much advertising my novel about because it pays to observe the charts for the updates on every Monday.
Cheers and enjoy your future adventure with our MC and his family...!