yaoyueyi Twinnie thank you for giving us an opportunity to shower our amazing content editors with love like this! They truly all deserve it.
Honestly, Islinda, I am so happy that I pushed myself to message you that first time. I was so nervous thinking I would be such a bother but I sent the message. You were so patient, laid back and answered my questions truthfully. After the first bit of advice you gave and how much you encouraged me, i was literally praying you would be the CE for my book haha. It didn't turn out that way, and after that I thought we would not be on the same terms. But you were still so supportive, cheering me on, congratulating me when my book got a small feature and so on. It really stuck with me and as much as i HATE to admit it, this little ( pfft I'm just saying this to be cute. I am strong and mighty) turtle LOVES ISLINDA!!!! I had so much fun laughing when you threatened to steal me book haha and when you said you had a voodoo doll for me that you poked each night. ( So you love me that much eh? wink wink)
Anyway, I just want to say that you should know that you're loved. I can't imagine how hard your job must be with so many books and authors to manage with plus even me who isn't assigned to you hahaha. But when you get tired, please take proper rest and remember that we are all thankful and appreciate your hard work and support. You've been so instrumental on this platform and I'm sure many authors feel the same in the regard that you've truly helped us to be better at what we want to do.
I hope you're doing well! Stay healthy. And hmu for some chocolate cake. I won't put poison in it, I'm not you xD
dis almighty turtleboiii