Is anybody try to write something else than the novel, like informative stuff, or drama(play)?
Do you mean non-fiction or screenplays?
This is not really the website for that, but yes there are many people.
Acutelittletrap ha, thank you,
AmrutaShinde95 Well, this platform is filled with novels only. I haven't seen any informational stuff here. But, talking about dramas you can get plenty of slice-of-life novels here. According to me, slice-of-life novels are equivalent to dramas. As a fellow Indian, I would suggest you to not explore this app if you are really looking for informational work here.
Siya27 Don't self promote your work here dear. Unless you want to get banned.
There are threads available for self promotion.
Give the thread starter the actual answer what they are looking for. If their requirement doesn't fits your work then don't post links anywhere. Otherwise the bot will ban you for this.