missileor Do you want to swap reviews? I'll review your book by tomorrow morning.
August 2020: Review Swap Here
Readoholic hey dear I have posted review on two of your books..
I really like how you leave an honest review with other aspiring authors there. Can you also read my book and tell me what you think about it? I'll also leave a review in your book just send me the link
Heres mine
Readoholic thank you
Immortal_eve4 yup.. Will give please do the same for me
here are the links choose anyone you want or if you do three, I will do the same.
here are the links
Readoholic I've done a proper review of your novel.
Since this is a swap here's the link to mine:
Readoholic Sure!
Aciee_GelaTin Wanna review swap with me?
If so then here is my link:https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/17363261905544805?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4312762370
SolAce Wanna review swap with me?
Here is the link for my book:https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/17363261905544805?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4312762370
Immortal_eve4 I gave reviews for both the books.. Hope you do the same..
- Edited
Issue answered!
winterdaisy55 Still wan to have review swap?
Here's mine!
Title: You're Just My Dream
Genre: Romance
Clei Sebastian is a college student who aimed to got the scholarship in De Villa University, one of the biggest universities in their country. She lately realized that she already met the man of her life. They are both college students but went to different universities. The man of her life is always ready and willing to offer his shoulder for Clei Sebastian to cry on. But, life is just too cruel for both of them.
Thank you!
winterdaisy55 Still wan to have review swap?
Here's mine!
Title: You're Just My Dream
Genre: Romance
Clei Sebastian is a college student who aimed to got the scholarship in De Villa University, one of the biggest universities in their country. She lately realized that she already met the man of her life. They are both college students but went to different universities. The man of her life is always ready and willing to offer his shoulder for Clei Sebastian to cry on. But, life is just too cruel for both of them.
Thank you!
SolAce I have read all of the chapters and left an honest review. Can you do the same?
Here's mine: