For day 2 I'm certain that I read a comic (in the heart section) for more than 10mins before it changed to day 3 yet it did not state that I've collected the card. For the other two I didn't check the time I started but when I looked at the time, it past 12 so I understand if I didn't collect the cards. For day 3, I've been reading the comic from the heart section way past 10mins and coming out then back in and it still shows that I've not collected the card. Does anyone else have this problem or is it just me?
Summer rush
Same for me I didn't get any cards on day 3 and 6 even though it was over to min.
8 days later
Maybe if everyone posts on a single post someone might notice it...
even if I doubt it ...
I wonder what this "Bug" section is for if no one but users use it ...