I think anyone who has limited/no readers, feels the same way. At least I feel a little sad when I see that my collections have decreased.

    I guess it can be a little disheartening. But there can be various reasons behind the drop. Some people add without reading even the synopsis. When they go back to the book to read it they realise its not their cup of tea. Some drop it when the storyline moves to things they are not comfortable with. Some don't like the first chapter. Some can't stand the writing style (too simple, too dry, too descriptive etc.)

    I think the drop is especially high if you get featured and lots of people add without reading. Afterwards the drop occurs when people start deleting the novel from their library.

    As a writer, you can't cater to everyone. Even the most successful authors have haters. Even the most hated books have loyal supporters. If it is a work of passion, keep at it and sooner or later your target audience will stumble upon your work and love it.

    However, if you want to be popular, gain a large following, you will have to cater to the masses a little at least.

    It feels bad, but what can we do. Don't let it ruin your writing journey.

    I think of it as there are two types of people:

    People who add novels to their library without reading it (just to add it to a future reading list)

    People who read a novel they like and then add it to the library.

    Because there are two completely types of people, it means that we can't know for sure why they removed it. It can be because they didn't like something in the novel. Or they read it for the first time finally and it was just not to their taste so they removed it.

    So except for feeling a little sad, I try not to think about it too much.

    Collection drops are normal. I've lost 50 in one week after a WPC end. I can't really do much about the losses. I can only appreciate those collections that stayed.

    Try not to worry too much about the drops. Focus on those that stay and how you can continue to give them content for their enjoyment.

    All the best.

    No, everybody feels bad if something they worked hard got dropped by somebody else. But what's more saddening to me is my subs getting lower. I feel my heart ached, I wish for my day getting better, and to not lose motivation in writing. I have to believe in myself. I can do it. I can finish this story that I started.

    So if you feel bad, not getting featured even if you write 2 chaps daily, 3k words, just getting 1 mere collection in every four hours, seeing yourself getting kicked out in top 200 and decreasing power rank every day, getting fewer and fewer comments, you are not alone.

    I am here. Let's mourn for a while with my beloved walking dead, dungeon webtoons, unique novels that make me thrilled in reading, and celebrate without minding those dark days in writing.

    Then let's come back again after we craved to write and continue the story of the characters we abandoned because of losing ourselves and motivation for a moment.

    You might write for money, for your readers, for yourself, but what's more important is you write to continue the world of your characters you started. You just don't want the existence you created abandoned without giving them an ending, right? Let's be a responsible maker.

    Darn, writing this makes me feel better.


    PS. Thanks for letting me vent here.

    ReynoldChleming It can be quite heartbreaking. Especially when you're hoping that by tomorrow it would increase only to know that some have dropped it. But I try not to linger on it too much because it can demotivate me. I also think I'm a horrible writer when it happens and overthinks. The sad life of an author :(

    Depends on if you're writing for your audience or for you. I tend to write for me...just wanting to see where things go. It will be easier when I finally have everything in one place, but that's another, oft-interrupted story... 😋😋😋

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