(Got it, just fleshing out the details. Tuba can guide the story or join as an npc if he wants. I'll be focusing on details and such. Of course, anyone can add details or negotiate on ideas.)

    After listening to the two talk for a while, I decided to let them take the lead and I'll just follow along for now. Being too wary of one another isn't too bad, but it isn't a good thing either. I should trust these people for now.

      'This is terrible. There should have been one person, just one person that seemed and acted like a leader. And unlike any novels I've ever read, there wasn't.'

      I eyed the man that looked like a swordsman to my left. He sat there, mum.

      'This is the type of person that should be leader! Look at his posture and the shiny swords by his side. I was planning on staying quiet after talking but now they're looking at me, expectantly. Who even makes the rogue the leader?! No one!'

      "So... since the other's don't seem too keen on talking, let's try talking to the bartender. He should know more than all of us and it's important to gather information about this world. Agreed?" I asked the group for confirmation.

      'Argh, well what happens, happens. Unless someone wants to take my position which I would happily give away, I should at least act like leader. I'll first gain their trust.'

        First, let me introduce myself. I am known as Dark Raven. I have skills in swordsmanship, I am top marksman familiar with the ancient guns, I believe they were multi-fire types but I have added true laser that cuts to the bone more than any sword. Indeed, I am beginning to sound like a braggart, for that I must apologize. I am just saying I will use my skills to protect us, as I hope you all will!

          I looked at the person who kept quiet all this time. 'How would news from Earth help us now?' But despite my doubts, I kept quiet and gestured to let speak.

            Second, Earth has issued our small group a dire warning of impending doom against the dark ones who trample over planets as giants trample over ant hills. Our mission in this small group is to divide and conquer them with our skills. Are you all in? I am glad with any leader because Dark Raven is the equipment woman, ah hmm, girl!

              I have seen enough, these people are either to wary of each other or simply crazy. If I follow them I might die an early grave, but if I go by myself I might regret it later. Let's just get to it.

              "We're not going anywhere like this, first we need to appoint a leader. I vote for the rogue over there to be the leader. Before anyone says there hasn't been a rogue as a leader, I have watched an anime called My Status as an Assassin Obviously Exceeds the Brave's. Also he looks like the serious type and would make a fine leader."

                System Update.

                Total number of players: 05

                Progress level: 0.3%

                Stage: Introduction

                Current Main Quest: Arm Yourselves

                Status: No scammers seen in the last 10 hours.

                System information

                The world's resources were depleted in the war, the firearms left are of poor quality and ammunition is scarce. Players with guns can only keep it as a secondary weapon.

                A player can either have a gun with limited shots or a bomb of any variety.

                Players capable of using magic can not use guns or bombs, but can be equipped with melee weapons.

                  After hearing her words, I couldn't help but think we had a second nuke guy on our hands.

                  I sighed and said, "First point, there shouldn't be any way to contact Earth. The only method would be through the system and I don't think the system would approve or allow that. Second point, while I doubt the existence of the dark ones, I'll assume they exist for my argument. If Earth cannot fend against these dark ones, what are we, some rag-tag group supposed to do? They can trample a planet without spending an ounce of effort. Third point, we were "summoned" to solve a problem of a war between countries. We cannot leave this simulation without solving the problem and I don't want to test what happens if we die."

                  "System, I know you're listening. Can you confirm what I just said?"

                  (texascann, I appreciate you trying to add on to the story but it's best we don't make too many radical changes. Tuba created a plot for the story and while it's pretty open-ended with what we can do like how gear gave herself some guns (although limited in use), we shouldn't flip the whole thing on it's head but stick to the established setting. We were all summoned into this simulation. In this world, it seems kind of medieval with wars between countries. Our goal in this simulation is to end the war and create peace between the countries somehow. We just started so we don't know too much about the world. And to keep things more balanced and sustainable, we should keep our skills realistic. Let's have fun exploring whatever world this is!)

                    (Nice, there seems to be magic. Someone can be a wizard or something if they want. We don't want too many melee since we all seem the same right now. Decked out in leather with some melee weapons. The only exception would be Gear with the two guns right now but even then she's basically the same as us. Being a wizard would probably be fun.)

                      Systems response to player Lyandy10

                      There is no way to communicate with Earth right now. New players may bring new information with them, but the validity of this information is questionable.

                      Except for information provided by the system itself, all information is unofficial.

                      Players are advised to be cautious and determine the truth for themselves

                      If a current player wishes to exit the simulation, their existing data will be erased from the System. But other players may remember them. System takes no responsibility for the actions of the players.

                        With the official statement from the system, I was proven to be right. That didn't make me happy though, as it confirmed that death was real in this "game".

                        "We should focus on the task at hand. The system didn't just tell us that death is real but that new players may join us. So I think we should just focus on the mission and wait for updates on Earth when a new player joins. I think everyone should find that acceptable? Good. Now let's finally meet the bartender."

                        The group walked up to the bar and got a better look at him. He was well-built but it clearly wasn't for show. I could see numerous scars, large and small, on his arms and hands. He also exuded a faint pressure like a warrior after much bloodshed. It was very toned-down however, I was unsure if he was controlling it or if it faded away with time. Either way, he wasn't to be messed with.

                        Thinking about the best thing to ask, I decided to skip the formalities and raise the question, "What can you tell us about the war?"

                        (Tuba, you can also be npcs if you want. Being the system probably doesn't have as many opportunities to appear compared to players.)

                          You remain the leader and I, Black Raven, remained confused. I wasn't aware of the
                          the fact that a leader would blatantly dispell everything a team member said. System, please further explain how we can make peace between these two countries with little or no weapons. I don't do magic, I make weapons. Not to inflict death but to preserve life. Still, I am from another side of earth yet, as our leader, you have my loyalty but know this, you have your warning leader, that if the time for weapons arises, with the system's permission, I will build the weapon to meet the needs of our team's survival.

                          Let the game continue but I will be armed and ready should the situation require it.

                            System response to Player Texascann

                            Players aren't here to make peace between countries, they are here to save this world and protect it, till Forum Bot Queen reappears to lock it in an eternal state of peace. Players in this simulation, lack the skills and power required to create peace between countries.

                            System has not given anyone the role of leader. Leaders may be elected by players through voting. System takes no responsibility for the actions of a leader selected by the players.

                            There are various roles available for players, including support roles such as being a blacksmith. Players can pick a specific role at level 2. Currently no players qualify for receiving a role.

                              I sighed these guys may be crazier than expected except maybe for that rogue who seems too calm. I realy need to watch him closely he may know more than he pretend to. After deciding who was going to be the leader we started gathering informations.
                              'hope we could gather enough information'

                              System has detected a new player.

                              Player @askmeaboutignite, would you like to join the simulation?

                              A simulation to save the world known as Last Comment

                              If you wish to join, scroll up to see the information you may need to join.

                                System, I leave and go back to earth but if needed for modern weapontry for the team's safety, I will appear again. I leave with regret but the team must go forward for the sake of the world but please know team, I am crazy like a fox, so don't underestimate me nor my skills. I wish system that I had been told to go back to the beginning since I was unaware of the history but I will know better next time. Thank each of you for representing our world, go forward to your destiny.

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