Well this might be my own fantasy trip but I've been wondering what happened in Harry Potter after the story, like does the evidently flawed magical society finally get wiser, correct their ways and learn to optimize their use of the knowledge they have and the archaic though process they kept showing to us on the movies and book.
What could be a 2.0 Wizarding world?
Then I started looking at one of the culprit of the "old ways", Dumbledore. Yes his "stabilizing" existence is what had kept the wizardry from evolving. Revolution was always kept short because of him be it good or bad. But when I look at his younger days although he look like a scheming bastard he had the drive to improve. I couldn't stop myself from commenting that he make me think of Nick Fury from Marvel, then click THE spark came to me! What would it be like to have the two contend against each other in a fused world, after all i have been reading fan fiction about fused marvel (dc add in the mix) world because it was indeed easier for the author to write about or canon following fan fiction of HP (with little difference in between, heck no improvement on this seemingly masterpiece which is actually so full of flaw and plot hole that even today has left sequel to the actors). So has a passionate reader and the possessor of an above average imagination i want to see this through BUT i am not that good at writing stuff (i have a good elocution but can't commit to writing long stories), so i appeal to a bored writer out here to look into my idea. No need to follow to the T but a world contention novel seen from an outside audience point of view look awesome, naturally you could add a mc or take a side, pit two after epilog world and wrap it up nice, hot and steamy.
Nick Fury VS Dumbledore
Thank you for the useful details.
Good idea
Nick fury is about a person who uses technology to help the world. He believed in heroes even when the whole world said that they were freaks. He is capable leader but if he was to fight any of these villains and heroes he stand no chance at all.
Dumbledore doesn't want power but what he wants he can have no more. Dumbledore has had a hard life, been friends with the villains and even helped them. He is capable leader and one of the best wizards ever. He can hold up to most of the villains easily if in prime condition.
Both Nick fury and Dumbledore has their differences and similarities as well. If a book is written it would be about technology vs magic. Both likes to stay in the back ground and help the protagonists. But if it comes to them fighting, one on one, Dumbledore will easily be the winner.
Good luck, to whomever tries to make a world like this.