YawningBrain Sure! Honest reviews only pal! I want to level up haha
October 2020: Review Swap Here
moonmato I will do it ASAP.
moonmato I will do it ASAP.
Nekonigiri001 Yeah thank you. Needed an honest review is always a plus. I am in.....
Ephipanians okay pal!
Here's mine.
PS* honest honest honest
Ephipanians but gonna do it later, I'm still answering my modules.haha
Ephipanians I'm late but I left my review go check it out
um hi im new and i hope we can be friends and i hop i can be ...welcomed
13 days in...
please check it out.
Review swap anyone?
Title: The Prophetress
Sure, I can give it a look! I will leave you mine so give it read when you got time =)
Title: Endbringer
Shionokami I'll definitely check it out (:
Nekonigiri001 thank you
Ankur_93 hello! I've just reviewed your story. It'd be great if you could do the same for mine. It's a romance novel. Here's the link - https://webnovel.com/book/were-we-meant-to-be-together_18207263706843505
NERRISHA_TERRELL hello! Can you review my novel?
Here's the link https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/15331063206028105?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4308455831
Title: Destined to be the Emperor's Concubine
Link: https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/15331063206028105?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4308455831
PS your honest review will be highly appreciated
Reply yours.
Took me a while reading three, but left reviews on yours.
My link is way up there near the top.