Hey guys! I may sound stupid but I've never done this before, I've never even shop online. I wanna know how can I recieve the money I earn from Webnovel?
I mean do I have to open a bank account or what??

    Paypal account is usually for when you are buying something online. You will need a bank account. Usually they will ask a card number you have and bank account numbers when you set everything up.

      BlackIs_TheRealist If it's relating to getting the income you earn from Webnovel, then yes. They would only pay to your bank account. Paypal and other such online payment systems are not accepted.

      a year later

      Hello. All you need to get money from Webnovel is to open an account with any bank. The main thing here is to choose the bank that will be the easiest for you to use. You can Go Now to the site and find out more information. As far as I know, now in some banks you can open an account online so as not to go to the bank and wait in line.

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