I have applied and received the chance of contract signing in this website. Still thinking of deciding to accept or not accept the non-exclusive contract though.
Contract and payment
¶¶¶+2348034806218¶¶¶ Welcome to the home of wealth and fame.
Many have seek for wealth and it’s quiet a thing of pity [+2348034806218] that some do so in wrong places which made it doubtful of the true source and it is at this juncture that i approach you with the right source of wealth which you have really seek for. ZERUZANDAH BROTHERHOOD OCCULT is an association of those that has been blessed by Lord Lucifer zeruzandah the great and have decided to educate the masses on the possible ways of acquiring the wealth, power,protection fame and every other thing you could think of without human sacrifice. Gone are the days when human blood are required for sacrifice here at zeruzandah Brotherhood, human blood sacrifice has been abolished because the money you are seeking for should be used to help and sponsor your loved ones but you have to have it at the back of your mind that there is a very great sacrifice which you must pay to pierce the heart of the spiritual world so that you can be blessed here on human Earth and that sacrifice will be according to what zeruzandah wants you to do which the Grandmaster of this temple will tell you when you’ve been in contact with him. Here at zeruzandah Brotherhood we only demand some sacrificial items and some special animal blood for sacrifice in order to please the Lord Lucifer to bless you here on Earth. If anyone from anywhere tells you that we accept anything money from you in order for you to be initiated into this Brotherhood, inform the TEMPLE GRANDMASTER +2348034806218 zeruzandah Brotherhood do not accept any money from you except you are the one to fund your sacrificial items. Contact the temple Grandmaster at +2348034806218
Spiritual grandmaster of ZERUZANDAH BROTHERHOOD +2348034806218
The ZERUZANDAH Brotherhood is a spiritual fraternal society whose aims are the cultivation of Inner Power through the study and practice of esoteric arts for the improvement of body, mind and spirit.
It unites its members in brotherhood and in the quest for wisdom, successful living and finding one’s purpose in life. It has no secret agenda .While it is a deeply spiritual organization, it promote a particular religion or belief.
The Brotherhood transmits an esoteric tradition spanning thousands of years, with a universal vision born in the East and embracing the best of the West in the quest to return to the ancient and original Tao or Source of all wisdom.
The Club of the Rich and Famous; is the world oldest and largest fraternity made up of 3 Millions Members. We are one Family under one father who is the Supreme Being. In ZERUZANDAH OCCULT Brotherhood we believe that we were born in paradise and no member should struggle in this world. Hence all our new members are given Money, Wealth,Fame , Power ETC.
Fear and anxiety has drawn so many people back to unfulfilled dreams and make their quest for wealth and power shambled, it is thing of fact that money ritual Occult is not and can never be a sin because Occult is still a religion despite what ever others are thinking and zeruzandah Brotherhood is here to give life to that dead hope of acquiring your desired wealth,fame and power without human sacrifice. Contact the Spiritual Grandmaster of ZERUZANDAH Brotherhood now at +2348034806218.
The wealth of this life goes to those who deserve and desire it by their decision of breaking the wicked chain of poverty. It is actually a thing of fact that poverty is real and it’s not your fault that it exists but however will be your fault and greatest mistake if you allow poverty to exist in your life because of fear. Only the brave makes the move to liberate himself from humiliating nature of poverty…
You can be rich, wealthy, famous etc without human blood@ZERUZANDAH BROTHERHOOD contact the Spiritual Grandmaster now +2348034806218
The desire to remove the garment of poverty rest on your shoulder and I will advise you do so now by being an initiated member of zeruzandah Brotherhood.
For enquires, contact the Spiritual Grandmaster now@ +2348034806218.
The men of the world can only see within the limit of the eye and the things of the spirit are meant for the spirit to see. You can never be that wealthy,rich and famous without controlling the Spiritual wealth and fame that Lucifer the Great Spiritual father offers to those who are humble to him. You have been admiring the wealthy people around you and wish to be so wealthy or more than they do but you are yet to discover the Secret of WEALTH. There so many things known by the rich and the wealthy which the poor don’t know and don’t want to know because of their unnecessary fear. The secret to what you seek is to join a secret occult society.
Call now for enquiries +2348034806218.
Am searching for a reliable webnovel editor.
- Edited
Divaeruogho Go to their discord
If it is only few chapter then I can help you for free. if it is more we can discuss.
- Edited
Account_26 to the content editor.... you have to submit proof like links/proofs
What about fanfictions since there is ads on bottom of page?
Will they pay for fanfictions novel?
What about fanfictions since there is ads on bottom of page?
Will they pay for fanfictions novel?
What about fanfictions since there is ads on bottom of page?
Will they pay for fanfictions novel?
What about fanfictions since there is ads on bottom of page?
Will they pay for fanfictions novel?
_icy Once the signed contract is verified, go to your workspace and click the explorer, you'll see the name of the CE provided for you, and when touching it with your cursor, their email/discord are given. Then you need to contact them, I suggest both of those given so you get a response ASAP.
How could one actually get paid here?
Though i knew one can't get paid by vote or views but does it depend on the numbers of reads and followers?
Mathew 4: 1,8,9,10,11
1 Then Jesus was lead by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.
8 Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him the all the kingdoms and their splendor.
9 "All this i will give you" he said "If you will bow down and worship me"
10 Jesus said "Away from me satan! for it is written 'worship the Lord your God and serve Him only '"
John 10: 10
10 "The thief(devil) cometh not, but for steal and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that you might have life. And that you might have it more abundantly" Jesus said.
Nigga the fuck is your problem? Are you that desperate for sacrifices!?
Guys I actually just received a contract offer on webnovel novel, and am kinda confused whether the contract was going to apply on both my current book and the one I just started writing....
Please I really do need a savior to explain this to me, cause before I received the contract, I am already almost done with the current novel that am writing...
God please someone helpl me
Each contract is for the writing piece you sign it for. Now once you sign the exclusive contract that work can only be posted through them (and depending on the contract any sequels as well). You can post a series all under one contract by serializing the work or add spin offs under the same contract as well. So if your other book is not related, tied to, or part of the contracted novel then it is not included in the exclusive contract, premium payments, or anything the contract covers.
Thanks so much for this, I really do appreciate it a lot