Quanee I feel the same friend!
I need Friends.
Quanee I feel the same friend!
Hello everyone
Hello everyone
kitsumirae no idea too.. sorry.
Sir_Chan Hello!
Hi. I'm also new. I'd love to be your friend and I also need friends too.
I'm always up for some new friends
What's your name on Wattpad. We can talk better there
kitsumirae my ig username is luffylucy1851 ... please add me
Listening_heart please add me as well !! i'm looking for friends in WN
Immovable087 please add me as a friend too!
Just_Rufina hello, my username is luffylucy on wattpad.
Hello, i wish to make new friends too! Please add me! Feel free to reach out to me
Discord: LuffyLucy#1851
Instagram: luffulucy1851
Wattpad: luffylucy
LuffyLucy added on discord
LuffyLucy Okay!
Chris_Ughanze Where should we chat then?