CoolForniteplayer Thank you very much for that and Iβm going to read your book today
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I read a book a few months ago: a college student gets a system which gives money every minute. I can't find the title of the book right now, Does anyone know?
Hi guys. The link below I for my uocoming novel. Please read, vote and share. You can reply this if you want to talk more. I'll send you my details. Thank you.
Just_Rufina Sure, if I have the time, Iβll take a look and leave a comment and/or a review :D
Thank you so much.
Nattychris_22 Thank you! I will take a look!
Cuddles_Sempai13 Of course! I'd be happy too!
CoolForniteplayer Of course. I will check it out!
Just_Rufina I check it out! <3
Just_Rufina This is a very interesting story!
Iβm definitely going to add this to my library... XD
pleonasm Ah, thank you! I really appreciate it!
Cuddles_Sempai13 Np! Ofc. <3
Cuddles_Sempai13 I gave you a bit of feedback on your prologue.
- Edited
LVTeacherman Ah, thank you!
Do you write any novels? If so, I would like to read them and leave chapter comments and/or a review... :P
Cuddles_Sempai13 Yes. I have a novella I am working on.
It's a fantasy book where the main character is shipwrecked and has to find a way off the island. The island is on a giant freshwater lake.
I also commented on the 1st chapter. It's an interesting premise.
LVTeacherman Since you greatly helped me in my novel, I will pay you back by reading this :D
Cuddles_Sempai13 I'll keep reading. If you do decide to make changes based on reader feedback wait until you finish writing the book and then make the changes.
LVTeacherman Ah, okie... Afterwards, I will have to reform some of the chapters based on the reader feedback. But I might have to keep a few, of course not all, details since it has to do with the plot or the shaping of the chapters... Might.
Cuddles_Sempai13 It's always your choice. You are the author, but if you get the same feedback from multiple people, it's worth seriously considering. And I know this is probably Captian Obvious territory, but if you haven't planned out your book, you really need to do that.