Any writers who already got their story vetted? And how long does it take?
A rough estimate from when you reached 4k words until the story is able to be voted would be appreciated

    today is Saturday so skip this weekend and wait for one more book.

      Today is Saturday so skip this weekend and wait for one more book.

        Kouhaii Me? I published a work right when the vetting process was kinda new so most people didn't know about it...I released five chapters on the first day so it reached 4k then, and it took maybe...three or four days, I think? But there is a wait list so your time may be different. Also I don't think the editors work during weekends or holidays, so you'll have to keep that in mind as well.

          LinYang thanks for the info
          Based on your info I think a week or two minimum?
          IDK how frequent people create new story on webnovel including the spam one, does the spam story stuff still happening?
          And also do the fanfics also have to go through the vetting? If so I would say prolly close to a month, worst case scenario more

            Kouhaii Lemme check the Discord real quick...

            This is pertaining to all new books published on Webnovel. As there has been a recent high increase in spam books (i.e. those with customer service numbers) as well as books with very questionable content that is prohibited by Webnovel, all new books (with more than 4k words published) must go through a vetting process by the content editors. Do not panic if you have just newly created your novel but are unable to see it or vote for it. The editors are extremely swamped so it may take a few days for the vetting process, and as the staff do not work over the weekends, it will take longer for books published on Sat and Sun to be vetted. Please note that we will vet the books on a first come, first serve basis. Please do not DM the staff to beg/demand that your book be expedited in order to skip the queue, we need to be fair to all authors and vet according to first come, first serve. Thank you and we appreciate your patience and understanding!

            From this I think we can gather that "all new books" ought to include fan-fics, as the editors want to check for questionable content in everything displayed on the site. And also with the spam bots still frequenting the forum, I think it's safe to assume that the site itself is also still being plagued by those demons from the world of spam.

            Hope this helps!

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