New books with good story.
FYI i like fantasy, reincarnation, magic, martial arts, cultivation, eastern fantasy
Need recommendation
I guess I can plug my own here:
Dungeon diving novel with a few twists here and there. Although I'm not claiming to be a good writer.
If you are interested in a fantasy story with vampires and witches on a theatrical setting, you can read my novel:
Thank you very much!
This is a new and interesting one, hope you'll like it
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Priyansh1027 I've just started one here that might suit.
Apparently, it's going to be featured on the WN app this coming Monday. How they found it is beyond me.
Death Oath: For My Husband’s Life I Fight
Yukiko Asura was revered by all of Snow Peak Mountain as the fair lotus blossom maiden. It was widely known that the heart of this amicable, gentle and stolid daughter to the First Peak Lord Master of the Five Grand Houses belonged to his First Disciple and respected warrior, Raiden Mizua. Other men could only appreciate her from afar and nod their heads with satisfaction that she had formed a good match.
Her dream of a being a doting wife with her newly wed husband came to a traumatic stop when blood-thirsty demons invaded her world on her wedding day. She had only taken her vows when Raiden was soon inflicted with a demon's disease.
In one day, blood tainted the pure grounds of her home. Yukiko was left with no choice but to set off for the Martial Sect of the Golden Core Mountain Ranges, as the sole survivor capable to avenge her family's death, destroyed home and seek the cure for her beloved's disease.
[Big Note/Warning: This story is in the same vein as Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. It's not a typical romance.]
WN Genre: Fantasy Romance
Tags: # Female Protagonist # Magic # Weak to Strong # Male Protagonist # Adventure # Action # Supernatural # Martial Arts # Demons # Devoted Couple
Priyansh1027 My story is based on fantasy but has a darker side to it; hope you like it ! My link:
New novel, it will have fantasy psy-fi and cultivation but will focus on psy-fi because it connects those kind of worlds in the universe
Has a system yada yada, hopefully is of your liking
If you like fantasy, dragons, and Isekai, you can try my new one here: Tales of the mighty dragonair
I'll be a little shameless and recomend you the novel I'm writting, it's a fantasy story, heavily inspired by anime and light novels, so if your into that I think you will feel right at home with it!
Anyways, here is the link so give it a read when you have time =)
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I suppose I'll put this here— it has a more futuristic setting with an isekai plotline. Only eight chapters too if you're looking for a quick read.
Check mine out too pleaseeee.
Priyansh1027 When Robert dies due to an unfortunate accident, he is transported to a new world with the privilege of being able to ask for one wish. What wish would any sensible 19-year-old male make? Well of course to have his own cat girl harem!
Priyansh1027 You may try this one! It's a fantasy-action books
This is my first book, and I'm just gonna drop the link here. Shares, comments, reveiws will all be appreciated. Thanks
Title: The Dark Line Between
All are fantasy genre with each having different twist
Entwined souls
My roommate is a devil
Where the dream posts
My fairytale
Hi! I am a new author to Webnovel. I would like to recommend my own novel Totally In Love. Now, I know the title automatically makes you think its a love story. In which case it is. My goal is to get the readers to fall in love with the main protagonist Beth. I will attach the first chapter down below. Please if you do decide to read it, leave me a review on what you think! I would love everyone's thoughts on the characters, and favorite parts. If Totally In Love is not your type of book, I have another one called The Moon Shines On Starlight! The Moon Shines On Starlight has some reincarnation that occurs. Warning is advised in the synopsis. Read the synopsis on both books for more details!
Totally In Love Prologue-
I bet your wouldn't know me. I am a quiet girl. I always sit at the back. I never raise my hand or talk to much. I only have two best friends, but I barely talk to them. You wouldn't guess me. Unless you knew me. I'm Elizabeth, Beth for short, and I have leukemia cancer.
Chapter 1- Beth POV
My journey started out slow. I didn't know I had leukemia at first. I was just sick. it seemed as though I had a stomach virus. Nobody wants a stomach virus. My virus didn't seem to go away. I started to get worse everyday. I started having symptoms of pneumonia.
I would cough and sneeze. My parents decided to take me to the hospital. I wasn't getting any better, matter of fact I was getting worse. That's when I knew. I knew deep down something was happening to me and I couldn't explain it. The doctor ran CT scans over my body.
When the results came back my doctor told me I had leukemia. That I was already in Stage 2. Nobody wants to be told that they are sick. Nobody wants to be told that they have cancer either. Back then I was just twelve years old. For the next five years, I grew up. I continued my journey fighting for my life. I even went into remission for quite a while.
"Honey, you are going to be late for your doctor's appointment." My mom yelled from the kitchen.
"I'm on my way," I yelled back. I looked in the mirror. My blonde curls cascading down my arms. My light blonde hair is almost invisible. My blue eyes, looking at my yellow colored sunflower dress. My world was amazing. I was in remission. I had finally beaten my cancer! I had made it! My seventeenth birthday would be right around the corner. I am a Junior in High School. We are going to my last doctors visit.
I grabbed my bag that I had packed for the day. I ran downstairs and grabbed a toast on the way to the car. My mom drove a red Tesla car. It was pretty fancy. That's how everyone saw our family, fancy. The fact was we weren't fancy at all. We were just really lucky.
My dad was offered a job as a CEO of a huge company called Alexadon. Where they make different items and sell them to bidders online. Before that, we were just regular people and we still are just regular people. After my dad got the promotion we moved to Caraway. Which is East of Lake City. As I sat down in the far my mom spoke. "You ready, it's your last doctors appointment!" She said excitedly. "Yeah mom, I am," I said smiling up at her. "That's good to hear. " She said. The engine roared to life and we made our way to the doctors.
The hospital was pretty small. I mean you would expect large hospital, but it wasn't. Almost all the nurses and doctors were always friendly. If I didn't have chemo here this would be my favorite place. I love how the hospital has chaos at times. There are just so many patients here. Being a doctor was one of my career choices since I was younger.
As I grew up it kind of faded. I still love the hospital, but it's no longer a career, I would choose. We drove around the parking lot. Once my mom parked, I fixed my hair and looked outside. I couldn't believe it. After five years , I was finally not coming back. I was still shocked by the results. The doctors are going to run some more tests to make sure it's finally gone.
I am not a religious person but I did pray to God about my cancer. The whole five years I had prayed to God. I prayed to him to save me. I asked him to free me from the pain I was in. The day finally came. I was so excited, I almost fell out of the car. I stood outside. I started breathing in the air around me. I felt dizzy to my stomach. "Careful there honey, " My mom said in a worried tone.
We walked up to the door. My mom grabbed it and we went inside. I went to sit in the waiting room. My mom approached the nurse and signed my name. The nurse had on blue scrubs and had red hair. Not the dyed hair but the natural red hair. It looked so pretty, and she was really tall. My mom looked small compared to her. My mom with her dirty blonde hair and professional clothing. "How are you, Katherine? " My mom asked the nurse. " I am fine. How are you, Sabrina?" Katherine, the nurse, asked in a snooty voice. "I am good. We are here for Beth's last appointment." "Oh really! That's so good to hear! I am so proud of you." Katherine turned and said to me. "Thank you," I replied in a proper tone, while adjusting my outfit.
I know I said all the nurses and doctors here are nice, but I should have said almost all. You see my mom is a lawyer. People see her as intimidating. Also, if you looked at her she looks like a Malibu Barbie Lawyer. So, you can't blame people, but they shouldn't treat her that way either. My mom is always so nice, kind, and caring. Except for when she's on trial. When she is defending whoever needed to be defended, you don't want to mess with her. You don't want to go up against that woman. I am so proud of my parents. Especially my dad, who worked hard for his promotion. My doctor came strolling out into the waiting room.
The Moon Shines On Starlight- Warning advised
*Warning this content contains animal Abuse
"Life doesn't give us purpose, we give life purposes" -The Flash
It was very dimmed. I couldn't really see. Oh, but I could smell. The sweet scents all around me. Then I smelled her. I immediately knew who she was. My mother. My creator. I went over to her screaming my way between my two siblings. Although I was just a puppy, I could recognize my surroundings. When I was finished drinking the milk from my mother, I moved away. I felt a hard surface underneath me. There were plenty of other scents too. One that smelled delicious. I also couldn't hear but I could feel movement. I was removed from the hard surface, and handed a much softer place. There were these weird bumps over the softer surface.
Whatever it was it moved me around. I was then put back down. A couple of weeks passed even though I couldn't really feel it. Each day felt as if I was still a newborn
No time passed in my mind. I could eventually see and hear. I couldn't see color. Everything was black and gray. My mother was very furry but so was I. I smelled her very often. I liked her sweet scents. see eventually started to find food around this dumpster. We were learning as we got older. I had two sisters and two brothers. As I was one of the girls. We spoke to each other often, my siblings and me. "Lets go, children." Mother said to us in a soft voice.
We knew how to communicate. When we fought over food mother would tell at us. I didn't like being in trouble. I was usually very quiet. One day I learned the soft surface, I encountered was a human hand. I had felt that same surface when a human came up to us. The human loaded all of us in their vehicle. We came upon this strange building. The human let us out in this strange building. There were many scents. I couldn't place them all at once. I concentrated on one specifically. Strawberry. It smelled so sweet, it started to hurt my nose.
The human gave us each a me. My two brothers got named Rotter and Owen. My two sisters for named Kenzie and Bexley. Then there was me. The human kept calling me different things. Which I didn't understand
Eventually, one name stuck. Mutt. The human called me Mutt. I just decided to go by that name. Every time the human called that name, I came to them. My mother taught us that there were males and females. It's an instinct that we know between us dogs. For humans, she explained that our human was a male.
She said he was also the Alpha of our pack, and that we must serve him at any cost. I didn't like that idea too much. I liked being my own dog. That was a new word we learned. Dog, animals, a man's best friend. Well, I sure wasn't going to be this man's best friend.
He eventually quit paying attention to some of us. He stopped feeding the ones he didn't pay attention to. Which was me, Owen and my Mother. We could starve for several days. We hoped that he would come to his senses and give us food. When we couldn't take it, we decided to try and get it ourselves. When we did he wild grab this stick with straws at the end. Which I later learned was a broom. He would then hit us, calling us bad dogs. We eventually barely got anything. We slowly started to starve ourselves to death.
"We need to go." Owen said in a deep voice. "How can we?" I asked, my voice much lighter. "Now children we must wait a little longer." Mother said in a soft voice. "We can't just sit and wait. He chose who and what he wanted." Owner said. "Mother, if we don't go we might die. No, we will die." I said urgently. "Children--," Mother started to say but was cut off.
The human came over to us with a smile. He picked up Mother and handed her a trestm He out her back down,and led her over to the water bowl. Owen and I followed in behind them. When we got closed be grabbed the stick with the straws again. We backed up on our fours. His smile left his facem Bexley came towards us. The look of sadness in her eyes. Owen and I approached her with caution.
"What's wrong Bex?" Owen asked her. "Ksznis just got Provo and, and died." Bexley was saying as she was choking over her words. "What do you mean Kenzie died?" Owen asked. "She just ate some grass and fell. Some white stuff started coming out of her mouth." Bexley was saying really fast. "That's it. I had enough of this human." Owen said, his tail rising.
Rotter was coming around the corner when Owen went to attack the human. Rotter was quick to the defense and bit Owen. Owen fell to the floor and started bleeding. The human looked at Owen in disgust. I watched from the window as the human put Owen in a bag. Then he laid him in the ground next to Kenzie. There was one difference. Kenzie had a rockz which had a description of her. Owen didn't, I was so furious.
The human whose name was James only wanted Mother to replace Kenzie. Nowz what was I going to do? I decided that I would run. I would get away from this house as far as I could go. Later that evening I queitly made my way out the back door. He's had put this hold through the giant object. Which I kept running into all the time. Mother told us it was a door. I used it to go out. "Where do you think you're going?" Mother asked me. I turned around this see she was starting to look in better shape.
"I am leaving tonight." I said to her. "Why are you leaving dear?" She asked. "I don't belong here. I would just end up like Owen." I said to her harshly. "Now Mutt you know if doesn't have to be like this." She said to me, her about lowering. Bexley and Rotter came out of the shadows. They came beside Mother. Their nudlcds showing underneath their fur. I backed away whimpering.
"Mother, I can do as I please. I don't want to starve to death." I said quickly. With that, I hurried out the doggy door, and made my way through the night. It wasn't so bad being on my own. I wandered the streets during the night and slept by day. The food wasn't terrible. I finally found the old dumpster we used to eat with. I was dirty but whenever it rained I got a bath. Which I didn't like at all. I would hide underneath something.
Try this if you want apocalypse and zombie genres.
Game Tester
Trash in the Apocalypse
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This author won competitions I think, I started reading hers because of the recommendation and reviews. It's good for a fresh author.
Am sure you will love it !!