Warlock Apprentice is an amazing novel that I have been following since it first started being translated. It is a wonderful story that would make a great addition to this website.
Warlock Apprentice should be picked up.
Dude! I love warlock apprentice! #tobybestbro
Same here...I can't believe it was dropped?
It is one of those rare slow novels on this site, but that makes it so much more fun for me. One of the most awaited moments of my day was when I could read the second daily chapters in the afternoon.
Please don't let it die like a sorcerer's journey
People too busy read filler trash like super gene.
I bought privilege for Warlock apprentice this month only for it to be dropped. Thats not how things are done. Webnovel please return the translation for Warlock Apprentice
I only read 3 novels on this website and Warlock Apprentice is my favorite of the 3. If they really drop it then I guess I'll just drop the other 2 and go read books from other, more dedicated websites/translators like WuxiaWorld. I rather not get financially and emotionally invested into a book which is just going to be dropped on a whim.
bcarlin123456789 and in the middle of the arc too :(
bcarlin123456789 and in the middle of the arc too :(
I stopped reading at webnovel because of some other novels that just get dropped without saying a thing about it. and after a while, I happen to see warlock apprentice, just when you feel you just find your cup of tea it get dropped. let's just hope this going to be picked up again
TheBlackSaint if webnovel had hope in one hand and shit in the other which one do you think is more full