I only read 3 novels on this website and Warlock Apprentice is my favorite of the 3. If they really drop it then I guess I'll just drop the other 2 and go read books from other, more dedicated websites/translators like WuxiaWorld. I rather not get financially and emotionally invested into a book which is just going to be dropped on a whim.

Enrier 😂😂😂 you've just made my day.
They've always only been in it for the money. If you've been here long enough, you'll know how with each update, Webnovel adds new ways to get more money.

Wait what the fuck? Also spent a shit ton of money on priv this month. Is it seriously dropped, with no refund? So I just got scammed out of like.. 50 bucks? Wow.

Webnovel.com this story is a gem. Too frustrating to see this wonderful novel being dropped. I'm considering to read only completed novels, if that's the way how things are done here... It's not the first case and even not second...

Thats the novel i like the most currently. Please find another translator if this novel really was dropped. How can we trust in web novel and buy Premium If suddenly we are not able to use It since the novel stopped being translated?

Literally the only novel I even read at this point on here and actively pay for. Aside from a single English original "The Oracle Paths". Every other novel has turned out to be the same boring crap over and over again 600 chapters in. This one is unique, and a conpletely different spin on everything else.

Sign... another one good story dropped :(

( Ritual prayer for return to higher powers )

Great Webnovel
we are your lowly(and poor) servants,
we ask you to hear our prayers
hear us and have mercy,
give us back the Warlock Apprentice

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