ranmaro Hi. Friend request is on your way.
FYI, we have started. I'll just explain over discord if you don't mind :) hehe
Need writer friends to discuss your books? Let's exchange and be friends!
Nekonigiri001 Sorry for my late reply, lol. First of all, I apologize if I failed to reply quickly. I'm no active in the forum and this is my second time to check this site, lol. I wish you all luck.
I would love to join a group like this, but I have to be honest. I have no idea what you were talking about with that latest post asking for participants.
I just started here on Webnovel and I write romance stories.
If you have another group that I would fit into, I would love to join.
Interested to join novel discussion club?
Leave your discord account and number tag and I'll add you as a friend as we grow together in a novel discussion club!
MUST Criteria :
--> Honest and committed
--> Novels less than 2000 words per chapter
--> can accept and give constructive criticism
--> Is fine with reading any genre (since those participate has various genres)
What is the purpose of the discussion club?
1) Read 5 chapter each day
2) Comment personal and honest review (through discord) about the pacing of the chapters read etc
3) Then repeat.
Who can benefit by joining in the club?
- What's wrong with my book?
- What is it am I lacking?
- What can I do to improve?
- I'm too socially awkward.
- I just want to make some friend
Well, you're in luck!
Since it's novel discussion, you will eventually talk as you voiced out your opinions, meet new friends and mingle more.
Since discussion will be in discord with a small group of people, you get the general idea of what your readers might think of your book.
Plus side - It's a small circle!
Please bear in mind, if you start to give a generic comment or eventually stop doing the daily quest as above, I will not be offended but I hope you too, will not be offended if I request you to leave the group for decluttering purposes.
If you expect opinions on your book but aren't interested to return the favour, you are not participating in the discussion at all - you defeat the whole purpose of the novel discussion club.
For serious discussions only
Thank you for your time!
Stay safe!!
Nekonigiri001 Yow, that’s interesting. Here's my Discord id, Yuji Itadori#0001
Is this still open? I would like to join.
Nekonigiri001 hey pls add me up. Username is “SyedTaha”
EternalNightLotus hi. Yes, it's been reopened last night.
Please leave ur full discord account (including number tag). Thank you.
Syed_Taha_Hussain hi, please provide the full discord username (including the number tag), thank you
Mysterious_one friend request has been sent
Please I need reviews on my book.
Apologies on the delay. I have not been checking the forum as of late, dee_gleem. I have sent friend request in discord :)
Hi! I think you are confused. We are not doing review swap but exchanging our own novels to discuss IN-DEPTH through DISCORD.
I would like to emphasise : This is NOT A REVIEW SWAP – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY if you are interested.
MUST Criteria :
--> Honest and committed
--> Novels less than 2000 words per chapter
--> can accept and give constructive criticism
--> Is fine with reading any genre (since those participate has various genres BOTH FL and ML)
What do we do in the discussion club?
1) Read 5 chapter each day with a time frame provided
2) Comment personal and honest review (through discord) about the pacing of the chapters read etc
3) Then repeat.
If you are interested, please drop your full discord username and number tag and I will add you as friend.
Nekonigiri001 username : SyedTaha#7897
Username EternalNightLotus#4834
Syed_Taha_Hussain and EternalNightLotus I have sent friend request in discord
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can i join too ?
can i join too ?
MIMI24 of course, please leave your discord username and number tag and ill send a friend request