Daoist5mvRv6 I'll read and review yours shortly
February 2021: Review Swap Here
Mel_Aniv absolutely! I'll read yours today!
Alright, I'll read yours when I have time.
Here the link of my novel for a Review swap
Title : Reincarnated to save the universe (GL/BL)
Ill do anyone who does mine. https://www.webnovel.com/book/one-billion-players_19460032006522205/chapter-one_52237645333447890
CeliaNaya henlohenlooo lets swaap? :D
me will read yours nowww <3
here's mine hehe! thank youuuu https://www.webnovel.com/book/earth's-doom-starts-with...-me_19006657805910805
Mel_Aniv Okay no problem
I'll leave your review right now
mozza_mello Wanna swap?
Sure, I'll check it
Tokio999 Wanna swap? Mine is called One Billion Players https://www.webnovel.com/book/one-billion-players_19460032006522205
Limpin_Technocat Done with the review
mozza_mello just done :) actually i really read your few first chapters and i love it :) the way you write is amazing :)
CeliaNaya You interested in doing a review swap?
Sure thing
Here is my link, I will add you to my collections and read when I can
Here is mine, I will review yours today!
Sure thing! I shall review as soon as I can!
Here is my link
Done with u mate,
Sure, I'll check it after this
CorwynGentry sure i will review yours here is mine http://wbnv.in/a/62fjQAa
Wolfgirl1215 ok i will review yours now then :) here my novel link http://wbnv.in/a/62fjQAa