WolfsBane yes, I am. I'm checking yours now. here's mine
February 2021: Review Swap Here
Sure, here's my link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/coraz%C3%B3n_19024703105973905
Sure I will review. Here is my link
Wolfgirl1215 yes, I'll check yours now. here's mine
Wolfgirl1215 saw this after the review, your book is amazing, just checked it out. still reading
Redink_109 hey! welcome. I just checked out yours , really good book. hoping you'll return the favour https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-eye-of-zeus_18697276606796905
WolfsBane Dropped a review.
goldenchild725 I just checked out yours, Please update soon :)
goldenchild725 I just checked out yours, Please update soon :)
Does any action writers wanna swap honest reviews?
No chicklits.
I'm only looking for fellow action, shonen, gaming writers.
Does any action writers wanna swap honest reviews?
No chicklits.
I'm only looking for fellow action, shonen, gaming writers.
Do you want to review my medieval dark fantasy series? It might be a series for you if you love Arthurian legends and Sword-and-Sorcery!
Title: The Devil and the Huntsman
Genre: Action, Fantasy, Horror, Romance
Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-devil-and-the-huntsman_19322730906149105
I left you a review, I think you still have to review mine?
Wolfgirl1215 I got the chance to read your book all the way. And yeah, my review will be coming right up!
MicahDarkFantasy I left a review, also added to my collection.
Saw your review, thanks. But I can't find your link. Please reply with your link so I can review your book.
Saw your review, thanks. But I can't find your link. Please reply with your link so I can review your book.