Sloth, I have only just found out that the Webnovel forums were a thing, and I am not very fond of Webnovel as a whole, so I do not know very much about the site as a whole. But, what I do know is that the third part of the post, the Rant portion, was absolute dogshit.
And that by adding this portion to your post you have sabotaged your mini-essay by showing the main intended group that you wanted to show this post to, the jaded forum goer, that you despise them.
Not a whole frustrated, ‘You are all going in circles’, kind of deal as you were no doubt going for, but a clear disdain for them. That you believe that they “take one side of the triangle into consideration?” When, that is clearly not the case. The three sides of the triangle are clearly not balanced. If it was a triangle it would be top heavy AF.
The readers are where the money comes from, and a while a few dedicated readers truly do care about the company and many writers that inhabit it. Most readers will come to the very obvious crossroads after an hour or two that they can shell out hundreds of dollars that they probably don't have, or they can read a book on a different site. No matter how much you say that this site is legal.
TLDR: You sound like an smug prick and are very obviously biased against the readers.
PS. This is a bit of a hot take, but I believe that the pricing of the site is not even close to the worst part of this site.