vioddragon and read the premium for free ? Already ahead of you bro.
I cannot afford this website...
keep it up
- Edited
I basically dropped everything that went premium cause I can’t afford 8,000 Spriit Stones just to read one novel to the end.
You can't afford FREE ??? Really??? They still give out free chapters. (ie for now but that is a different topic :P)
Detro they just have to store a single counter that can bw made on a single line of code that counts how many chapters you unlocked. After that they just have to put a variable when you load the novel that counts global free chapter plus how many you unlocked and the result would be your laat free chapters and from thrn on it would be locked
i.e. you unlocked 100 chapters when the last free chapter was 146 so you are now in chapter 246 you dont read rhar novel for 11 days so when you are back global free chapter is 157. so 157 plus 100 chapter on your counter you can read for free till 257 how hard it is? how much info there is to it?
Just do what I do, drop the non free stories and stop reading new ones here on Qidian. Kind of like slowly weaning yourself off an addiction. I can afford to buy the content but I don't think the content is worth it with the they are charging. At one point I will stop coming here altogether (down 4 novels atm) and that will be that. The only thing that speaks to companies is voting with your $$$ and your choices, if they see a big enough drop in traffic and $$$ they will change their ways.
I hate the current way of nickling and diming so I will not support that monetarily.
Smailig so much work....
Wow this a long tread..... I mean it's not like im addicted because i only read in my spare time so im kind of neutral. Translating is their jobs so i guess they do need money. Premium gave me a chance to try the novels that are not premium. Well what i do is just read on gravity tales or WW or other translation sites And just pause and save up chapter and SS then i just binge read what chapter i have saved up. You do saved up a decent stock if you have a bunch of book in the library that you like "/
Please don't hate or roast me or this comment..... because if you do Just wow..... Wow xD
all i can say is, yep, we're fucked. no point on saying this is unfair or anything, this is bussines and the freebies are out. so all i can say it's bad luck. and i can't even buy power stones or any other shit, they don't have choices for my country, that's a pretty bad bussines model.
Heyun explain that again in english please, i didn't get the math.
Stop reading novel! You Should Be Studying!!
Thanks god you don't know how much money I spend on Japanese manga. (99% hent*i tho)
NotADingo they do unlock but if u pay stone and u r ahead of most people (us poor people) then u have to wait until it gets to the chapter u stop and then after u get 1 free chapter per day im very patient hahaha and um doing that with the most expensive books and using whatever i have of stone with the books that dont charge that many stones
Venerable_spam that she said that is too much info to store for qidian to to give a free chapter per day from where you are in the novel and that's why they have to make it so the free chapter is global and not per person.
To that I replied that is not actually too much data because they only have to count how many chapters you unlocked on a novel and thrn take the global free chapter and sum up how many chapters you has unlocked to keep track of everybody individual free chapter with only adding a single variable. Not rocket science.
as for the example i can simplify the numbers but not much more to being easier to understand.
Here I will try:
So all novels unlock a chapter a day.
You can unlock more with SS but then you have to wait for free chapters to catch up before having more since free chapters are global.
To keep track individually instead of global without too much data as she said in the comment I quoted I solved the problem adding a sinple counter in the code that keep tracks of how many chapters you unlock with SS. So if you unlock three chapters you are three chapters ahead of the global free.
So there us no need keep a registry of every single user reading a novel to give then a free chapter from where they are locked but to simply keep the count of how many chapters you unlocked as for if you unlocked three chapters and the current global free is chapter 10 then if free chapter was individually tracked you would have been in chapter 13 that is 10 of global free plus three you unlocked so keeping individual track wouldn't be difficult as she has said and QI knows it since is like programming 101..
Why can't they just take spirit stones off and make so we need pay let's say 10$ or 20$ so we are member i'm not putting any cash those spirit stones i don't even wanna know how much it cost me so i can read those 50 chap Library of Heaven's Path if they not gonna start fixing this soon i think lot ppl gonna just change site.
ShouldBeStudying Go work for your own money, and stop being a hand money down to me kid.