GeneticDisaster Exactly to the point. If these chapters contained a significant amount of content then the pay wall wouldn't be so bad, however many of these stories are shorter thus decreasing the overall value of the expenditure. I'm sure that many of the authors began writing in their spare time thus keeping their word counts short. However continuing to expect a higher wage for less content is nothing but ridiculous. If I worked part-time I would not expect to get paid full time wages.
I cannot afford this website...
ShouldBeStudying tu forma de pensar solo creara la espiral desendente de donde no hay vuelta atras .ya a pasado y volvera a pasar los seres humanos son codiciosos esta en su naturaleza pero tambien esta en su naturaleza auto destruirse.
Heyunwell yeah you're right, but i do no not ask for daily free chapter. even i don't have that much free time since i'm in collgue and i'm pretty sure most people need to earn money so, i asking only why there's no a weekly chapter kinda thing?
- Edited
Tormented again, money it's not the problem, i can probably take enoegh money to read 10 to 15 chaps weekly by giving up smoking but in my country there no easy to use option to pay the damn thing not wihtout a credit card, and i don't have credit cards. i can buy steam games because they put a new option for my country last year and made it a lot easier, but i do not have that option here, i like this site but i can't be part of this if i can't quite pay what they ask for. see my problem? i wonder if they can make pay receipt kind of option? like Efecty or the like.
kaiser1979 you are too pessimistic. Slow progress is made actually, not because of an improvement in human nature but an improvement in technology. Like internet for almost free etc
Chr100 you respond with that kind of shit, pretty clearly demonstrating you are the one who needs to grow up...
Detro as someone who has worked in data handling, it isn't something complicated, even in the scenario set up here. logic goes as such:
On chapter release:
if (user_progress > free_progress) then (when free_chapter +1, do user_chapter +1)
its probably just removing a flag they already have present and remove when you pay.
Venerable_spam with no credit card/paypal or even prepaid debit cards you must have a hard time online. (granted idk what country you are from, there may be a lot of other options there, but I don't know of many that are broadly accepted)
ApatheticSlurpee And you care. Thats a sign you need to get your shit together.
You should try Original Novels like this one
Title: Time Turner
The author writes with detail so is easy to picture what you're reading and gives a great flow to the novel, it makes it easy and more enjoyable read. Is an amazing novel with mystery, bloody fights and death, betrayal, action with suspense. Light school life and romance with a little comedy so is not too heavy. Is well balanced. Check it out and you'll see.
Citlalicue can't thank you enough. thank you so much.
ShouldBeStudying life doesn't just work like that.
Heyun rich people rule the world.
ShouldBeStudying 1) I'm still a minor
2) I am not sulking. I'm trying to get free stuff
3) I have the right to have an opinion
If I can be honest, I don't see how there having a lot of unlocked chapters with the premium novels is a problem when there is still the "chance" (for lack of better word atm) of getting one free daily. Does it hurt to see your favourite novel(s) having chapters you can't read rtm? (Especially if there is a cliff?) Yes, I understand it does, but...
Sometimes when I really get into a story (not necessarily from this site) I go look up the raws to mtl a few chapters and the sites containing the original raws don't unlock the chapters after about ch20-30, which when it comes to the very long novels means 1000+ chapters. So, in light of that, how is it a bad thing to get one free even if there is another 100 there?
ChainedGhost I'm referring to Library of heaven's path, The Strongest System, and Release That Witch where you can't read anything without stones.
ShouldBeStudying well shit bro, you were the one who acted like a "silky child" in the first place cunt!
ShouldBeStudying well no Bro, were you not the one who started acting like a "silky child" in the first place ??
WayneSteine sulky not silky. Put you glasses on
ShouldBeStudying obviously I got done in by "AUTO CORRECT" -.- still you proved my point with that comment by still acting like a "SULKY CHILD"