i have 15+ novels in my library atm. 4 are premium, 2 will turn premium soon. Most cost around 7sp per chapter, some update 2 chapters a day. so ill need at least 40+ sp per day pretty soon. one of my favorite novels has chapters that cost over 10 sp per chapter, maximum was 17 for one that was (thank good!) the one that unlocked for free the first day after it went premium ...
lets stick with that and do a calculation :D free dayly sp will go to the novels that get more then one chapter per day, even though it doesnt really cover the costs.
40 sp per day
280 sp per week
1120 sp per month
1000sp are at 20 USD
and that is the minimum ill need to keep up with my favorite storys.
i read somewhere, that 1 sp is for 200-300 words, so i get somewhere around 250.000 words for that.
my favorite book i have in my shelf at home has around the same number of words. it cost 8,99 USD, cause i have the soft cover (cheaper) version... i think i should get back to buying more books in stores. One of the main reasons i read online is, that i get a high diversity of books for no/low cost.
just now reading online got more expensive than buying books. and they dont have to print.
im ok with watching an add before reading a chapter, even if it was a bit longer. but seeing locked chapters i cant affort is frustrating.