Edel_Li will check it out and review mine is tittled she Alpha.... still don't know how to copy the link
May 2021- Review Swap here!
Edel_Li will check it out and review mine is tittled she Alpha.... still don't know how to copy the link
Maryixxx Just reviewed yours! It was really, really good! First chapter was exciting and the way you introduced your characters was smooth! Great work overall hehe U
Review swap anyone?
My book, The Dark Lord's Maiden
Drop your reviews and I will be sure to return the favour asap or reply here with your book title and links as well
Khawla_Amini sure.
Khawla_Amini ur novel link please..
Edel_Li done but i might stick to chapter by chapter review
Mel_Aniv going to check it out give me a few minutes to read...
Mel_Aniv mine is tittled she Alpha
Mel_Aniv gonna review your book... Mine is tittled she Alpha
kuhaku_sora Just reviewed yours! Amazing, amazing work! I really found it enjoyable, and I thought the idea was refreshing and had its own originality to it. Great job!!!
Mel_Aniv gonna review your book... Mine is tittled she Alpha
Bunny_Junnie I have reviewed your book, here's the link to my novel
Hiwaga I have reviewed one of your novels.
here's the link to my novel
Mel_Aniv I have reviewed your book. here's the link to my novel,
Khawla_Amini the link or title of your novel
Mel_Aniv Just reviewed! You gotta teach me your ways in world building bro haha. Your book was amazing!!!
Khawla_Amini Yup! Please send me your link, and I'll try to read and review ASAP. Here's my link hehe.
She Who Reigns the Stars