I will review yours.
Here is a link to my new story:
May 2021- Review Swap here!
I'm interested in swapping reviews for Female Lead novels! Here's the link to mine
Reply me if you're interested and I'll review yours!!
Blue_Pizza I'll review yours!
- Edited
Pearys My novel mc is female, but the story start is a bit slow, so patience is needed I'd like to review yours tho https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/19731498406226505?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4306620688
Blue_Pizza I add yours to my library. Will read and write a review as soon as I have time
Maryixxx I'm interested in your novel. I will read and review as soon as I have time Here's mine
Jo_J ive done yours, great to read!
MatchaMilk Hey done with your review!!!!1
@Lizabelle88 Done with your review too!!!!
Mayline_Carraro I've uploaded another chapter as well. I will appreciate it very much if you can review both chapters.
Blue_Pizza thank you for the review. i will review yours.
Juliet_Omuadona thank you for the review. i will be reviewing yours.
Jo_J hi did you review my new book, "Betrayed Princess - Charming Prince"? if not, please look at it. here is the link:
Blue_Pizza reviewed yours too!
Juliet_Omuadona reviewed your book.
Immanioripse I have reviwed yours, here's my link
Mel_Aniv done with my review on your book. Great book