Hello, I hope you have a great day!
Here is my new story The 10: Venera, which is a Romance set in a Dystopian society.
This is book 1 in a series of 10 (Thus the title being "The 10:") which will follow 10 school friends transitioning into their adult life in the dystopian world.
The first of them is Venera.
She has been selected to compete for the heart of the prince, which opens a lot of doors for the rest of her friends as well, accelerating their plan at overthrowing the current king's authoritarian government, and ridding the people of his constant surveillance.
Will Venera be able to charm the prince and sway him to the cause of the 10, or will she jeopardize all the work they had put in?

Actual description:
Venera Vorobyova needs to decide which is more important to her - saving the prince, or freeing her country from the king's surveillance.
20 years ago everyone in Anglonia had been forcefully chipped and the king had full surveillance of the country. The country was under his complete control until 10 teenagers got angry about it and developed a way to free themselves.
Now they are all grown up and one of them, Venera, has been selected to be one the potential girls for the prince of Anglonia to marry. This opened new doors for the 10, and achieving freedom has never been closer.