First of all, DO NOT post any private or personal information in the comments or replies.
This is not some post for self advertising so I will not be posting links, and do not post yours. This is just for me looking for an editor and/or artist and those who are interested.
I am currently looking for an editor, and artist, for volume 1 of my book, The Illicitous Dungeon. Before going on, this is an adult book with erotic scenes, so ensure you are comfortable with that before proceeding. You can search for me or my book through webnovel to check it yourself if you are unsure or want to know more about the work entailed.
Now, I am offering this position to all of my readers and any entrepreneur who is interested.
Some of you are possibly wondering whether you can or can't do this, and what is required, so here is a general breakdown of what is expected of editors:
- Correcting typos.
- Updating sentences in order to improve the flow from one to another.
- Correcting any incorrect verb tenses.
- Cleaning/correcting grammar usage
- Possibly removing excessive content/condensing it into something more concise.
- Flagging/highlighting any content that the author, being me, needs to possibly rewrite/check
- Ensuring consistency throughout the novel is upheld
There are some others, but those are the main ones.
The process is usually completed in several stages, which are basically:
Step 1: You do a single run through edit of all content that needs editing. Ensure you have "Track Changes" enabled (This can be done in MS Word [preferred] or Google Docs. I am sure other word processors have this or an equivalent option, but I am not well versed on them.)
Step 2: You pass it back to me to approve the changes made.
Step 3: I pass back the work and you go over it once more to see anything you missed the first time through, or that seemed good at first but no longer is.
Step 4: The final product is passed back to me.
Step 5: Repeat Step 4 and Step 5 for any section that still need revising. This is not overly common and is entirely up to your discretion.
Note: A good grasp on the English language. I'm not going to lie, if your English is not good, you are definitely going to struggle with this.
There are also some other expectations I will have of you, which is mainly just creating an updated character appearance sheet based off the existing one, but this is not a necessity. Consider it bonus points.
Naturally, the right person would be compensating for their work. I'm willing to offer between $10usd to $15usd to the right applicant depending on quality of work they do, to be paid at completion of the work.
There is approximately 55 - 60 chapters in total in Volume 1, just for your reference.
If nobody is up to the criteria, I may offer you a position alongside another trial editor in which payment will be split (sometimes two people can cover each others weaknesses). It is entirely up to you if you would like to accept this and I can only offer it. I hope that I only need the one person though as that makes things much easier for me.
You WILL need a paypal account for me to pay you for your work.
You are now probably wondering, "How do I apply?"
Well, all you have to do is contact me at my email which I have specially created for all writer related things, or contact me on discord (You will need to be a part of the webnovel or webnovel writer's discord as I can only receive messages from people who share servers with me in this case).
Email: (Don't miss the period/full stop between Wolfick and Author.)
Discord: Wolfick#1501
I will then send you a trial document [Illicitous Dungeon Editing Trial] to test your editing skills out. Send them back to me once you are done and I will make time to skim through them. You can also copy them into a google docs sheet if you don't have have a word processor that enables tracking edits and reply with a shared link. Ensure that your document is free for anyone to edit though (Only I can see and edit it if you are sending only me the link)
I cannot stress enough to show the edits you are making for the trail and any future work. This enables me to see exactly what and where you are altering/fixing things and judge you more accurately.
It is recommended that you use MS Word, but is not a necessity. I think libre office offers a similar experience if you have that too, I will also do my best to just you fairly if you cannot show change tracking in your edits, but understand I will likely miss a significant amount of edits you have made.
When you are done and sending the document back, change the document name or title of the google doc to [Illicitous Dungeon Editing Trial - Your Name/Email] so I can identify you.
Don't panic if I don't respond quickly, my schedule is just very busy! I currently need to shower, find and eat dinner, and go to bed in less than 30 (now 20) minutes (at the time of writing this), so I will most likely respond tomorrow after work with the trial document.
As mentioned in the title, I am also looking for an artist. I need someone to create me a book cover I can use commercially, and will also pay you for this.
I would need a full book cover which wraps the front and back panel (in case a physical copy is required in the future) and needs to be 3679 x 2480, with the front and back panel each being 1749 x 2480 in size.
It needs the title on the front, blurb on the back etc, usual book stuff.
The price I am offering for this is $200usd, paid upon completion and delivery of the artwork. You can contact me on my email or discord to discuss this, but again, I likely can't get back to you immediately.
I think that is all, comment/reply if I have missed anything.