Proteety_Promi I just submitted your review. I hope you appreciate the honesty. You have much potential, keep it up!
June 2021- Review Swap here!
Violet_167 Hi! I'd love to do a review and collection swap with you. Here's the link to my novel:
- Edited
Hey guys, wanna swap reviews with me ?
SEP1A Done.
Crown_of_Flame are u up for a review? Send your link and we can swap
Dark_Scholars hey I'm up for a review? Wanna swap?
Mikazuki_Sora are u up for a review? We can swap, drop your link
vilagwrites is love to! I'll check it out and you can review mine too?
Violet_167 Here it is
I'll start yours in a few minutes. Need to finish something first.
@kuhaku_sora Just finished your review!
mskim133 Sure! I'll take a look at your story in just a bit! Drop your link.
Yoan_Roturier Yeah, let's do a swap! Here's my link:'s-genesis_20394993706065205
Yoan_Roturier All done! Thank you so much for your review, friend! Loved your story.
Shubhangi_Kene Hi, just posted your review, thank you for yours!
AtaiMuratbekov Hi! Are you still interested in a review swap?
Brian_Hanes_117 Review swap?
Here's mine:
@ujjwalanushka34 I have finished yours