MimiTea so what I mean is that for instance the beginning prologue piece. It's very descriptive which works for that moment because it's a slow moment between lovers. So, it's beneficial for it to linger and to have gravity.

But for a lot of the chapter it's all deep description hitting every excruciating detail but if you really broke down the events of the chapter all the main character really did was get kicked out and ran to a wagon to get shelter. That makes a lot of those details feel like fluff when I'm reading them and instead of getting immersed I get lost trying to really understand what's going on and why. It takes away a bit from getting to know your main characters actual qualities and getting invested in her. The romance genre is more character driven in my opinion which means I need the characters to hold the spotlight and drive the action and so forth.

I tend to stray myself from heavy detailing surroundings unless it absolutely matters and instead focusing on getting out the beats of the story. Just my opinion of course I think the premise is fantastic and has tons of interesting avenues to explore. Hope this is helpful.

    1. Definitely can see how that can be an issue will work on it's formatting.

    1. It's kinda hard to change that when the story is first-person perspective. Could you elaborate on the mystery point?

      1. I never even thought about this thanks. That's pretty easy fix.
    2. I'm not really sure how to address that. The conflict is there it's just not overt because I'm focused on the characters and how they interact with this world no one really know anything about. I'll try to find someway to emphasis where the conflict lies.

    3. I thought I was being clear that the location at that point didn't really matter by describing it as mundane or ordinary letting the reader fill in their expectation of what a classroom looks like. But, I'll make it clearer that the locations aren't important right now.

    Your feedback is super helpful thank you! If you have any suggestions I'd like to hear those also.


      1. Cool!

      2. I meant that in the prologue, it's supposed to give readers a sort of "mystery" of how MC got into this situation? There were lines like he was looking down on his friends and something about a phoenix statue. It would be better if you described the phoenix statue instead of saying "If this is the last thing I see" because it's kind of awkward how it randomly pops out of nowhere. Instead, it could be like, "I laid my eyes on the phoenix statue..." if you know what I mean.

      Also, there were some parts where you overexplained like the MC's best friend. It's always seen through dialogue, though you can also point it out—but readers will know.

      1. Yep!!

      3(?) Well, to be honest, it could be due to your synopsis. I don't see a story conflict in there, it seems like MC is just gonna go about his life. If the conflict is there, be sure to write it in your synopsis!

      1. I might've missed it because of the formatting, but okay!! I just thought since it's a different world, it would have something unique to it. Maybe every student is wearing an emblem, etc.

      As for suggestions, I don't have much because I'm not a typical ML reader. I do recommend going straight into conflict


      I trust you my dear cutie pie. But seem to have misunderstood me. No matter which story it is, or how bad it is. Someone behind a screen worked hard to put it into words and I think just that act is enough to earn a modicum of respect.


      Sara_Wilcox Okay I made some of those descriptive changes and will add more in due time for future chapters and current ones. I know your busy but I would love your future support as not only a critic but as a fan when you can of course.

        Donniedrako15_ sure😁 I don’t normally read heist/con books, but the super powers make me interested to see how it turns out. I’ll definitely read when I have time.😁

          Sara_Wilcox EH wouldn't call it a heist book, more so cyberpunk sci fi with a dash of super-powered action. Volume 1 does do the after shock of the heist though.

          I want to put mine. Please give me a review
          Title : Enchanters Phantasm
          Genre : Fantasy
          Link : https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/20276456405742405?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4316765707
          Synopsis : The world was bound to be doomed again. As the Seven Generals makes their appearance to try and take back their leader.
          The protagonist, Shou Escarra who have a bad reputation in his school and in the whole country, was the leader they’re looking for. But not to treat him like a king but to simply just kill him!
          Simply put, in order to prevent that from happening he just need to stay alive.
          Its easier said than done. Specially when your up against a muscular kapre, a tikbalang who master swordsmanship, a magic genius dwarf, a wild tiyanak, a man-eating aswang and the Purgatorians. Not to mention the overwhelming army of undeads and dullahans.
          Even though the difficulty of their opponent was so high and him not having any kinds of power like a protagonist like him should. Using his brains, guts and any methods he can think of. Shou, together with his otherworld being friends, struggle to survive in order to save the world.

            • Title: Charlie Mutton - Gifted
            • Genre: Fantasy(-Male Leading)
            • Synopsis: A young boy discovers that his life was not as simple as he thought. Now he has to play a significant role in an interplanar war while learning to control his new found abilities and understanding his past.
            • Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/charlie-mutton---gifted_20266532105646605

            I would appreciate some honest reviews, thank you in advance for your time.

              Title: I am a Farmer

              Genre: Fantasy

              Synopsis: When everyone is painstakingly cultivating to raise their rank

              When everyone is traveling for experience

              When everyone is doing their best to improved

              I am here farming inside my miniworld

              " What's so good about being an S rank? I am a farmer who can kill you with one slap "

              " What did you say? You have a thousand army of A ranks? Listen, when my pet roars the army you're proud of will cower in fear"

              I am a cheat myself so what can you do? Then transmigrate to other world to get your own system sucker's

              "I can create a million SS rank army of my own if I want to"

              "If you don't want your small kingdom got flatten, get out of my sight dumbass"

              Follow the adventure of a farmer whose life was idle even in a chaotic world " VLODY "

              Link: https://m.webnovel.com/book/i-am-a-farmer_20320703006361505

                Title: I am a Farmer

                Genre: Fantasy

                Synopsis: When everyone is painstakingly cultivating to raise their rank

                When everyone is traveling for experience

                When everyone is doing their best to improved

                I am here farming inside my miniworld

                " What's so good about being an S rank? I am a farmer who can kill you with one slap "

                " What did you say? You have a thousand army of A ranks? Listen, when my pet roars the army you're proud of will cower in fear"

                I am a cheat myself so what can you do? Then transmigrate to other world to get your own system sucker's

                "I can create a million SS rank army of my own if I want to"

                "If you don't want your small kingdom got flatten, get out of my sight dumbass"

                Follow the adventure of a farmer whose life was idle even in a chaotic world " VLODY "

                Link: https://m.webnovel.com/book/i-am-a-farmer_20320703006361505

                You can give your honest review about my work if you like it. Thanks

                  Hi @Yoan_Roturier
                  I'd like to join your discord if you will permit. You are very thorough in your reviews. I like that.

                  I will also like an honest review please.


                    Hi man, thanks for the compliment but I do think the guy up there Epyonnn is more thorough than I am. Because I am what I like to call an instinctual writer. I can't actually back up my advices that well, at least that's how I feel. However, I can somehow feel some sort of flows from novels. Don't ask me how, it's just how it is after reading a certain number of novels. lol...

                    Hum, about joining my discord server. I'll be straight, I've never really exchanged with you before on the forum. Even if it's not something of big server with top authors, I still do some sort of background check on the people I invite. No offense buddy. Maybe once I'll get to know you a bit better and after reading your work. Do get more active on this page, swap reviews with other people, and stuff.

                    As for you review, I've got a lot of stuff to do for now. But I'll check it out eventually. Just don't expect it to be this week or even next week.


                      Y.R. Honest review #4

                      Title: Non-Player Character

                      Author: Epyonnn

                      Chapters read: Until chapter 8

                      So hum… I don’t have much to say but well, I’ll get into it.

                      Story, Character Design, Wording, Grammar and World Building are good.


                      An interesting intake on the genre. Not a revolution per see but interesting in the way that the character doesn’t find himself in the with the help of some kind of divine being after suicide. It’s in fact logical enough to be believable.

                      Character Design:

                      Apart from the minor detail, I found that you know of, and that’s because I’m a bastard who smells poop from afar, I’ve got nothing to say.

                      Good character evolution, at least the main character. I haven’t read about the others but since the story turned out to be told form the MC’s point of view (first person,) then it leaves fewer chances for other characters to grow. Unless we switch to their point of view. But that might get confusing in the long run. Maybe, maybe not. Just food for thoughts.Also, if you wanna test something that aren’t common but does work you can use first person while telling the story of your own MC and third person while telling the story of other characters. A great example of that is a novel I recommend: “Beware of Chicken.” You’ll find it on Royal Royal and a few other sites.

                      What do you even want me to say about this? I make more mistakes than you do lol. I’ve spotted no issues so far.

                      World Building:
                      Well… it is vast. I’ve just started reading into the world-building of the game itself and it does feel boundless. I’ll continue to read the story from time to time and might just give you an update on that one.


                      Alright, but I did find something you might already know or just might be interested in knowing.

                      Here’s the thing: it’s too bookish.

                      To understand/explain what I’m trying to say let me first talk about something you probably didn’t take into account, or you did, I don’t know.


                      I do not know if this is the proper word in English, since it’s not my native language, but that will do, I hope. What is acceleration? It’s a concept that internet worsened or we could even say gave birth to. The world, since internet’s creation accelerated, or strictly speaking our daily lives did.

                      Our daily lives don’t even compare to our grandparent's slow-type life. I won’t linger on this ‘cause there is so much to talk about.

                      But to put it in a nutshell, we do much more in one day than the previous generation did.

                      This leads to a lot of issues people aren’t aware of it or just downright choose to ignore it.

                      And one of them is “wanting everything right now,” meaning impatience.

                      What does that have to do with online novels? Very simple, if your first chapter, no, your first paragraph isn’t interesting, people will let go. I’m not saying yours isn’t interesting, it actually is.

                      However, it might not be interesting for the current trends. I was waiting for something like your character kicking asses in-game right at the first or second chapter, but didn’t find that.

                      What I found is something really well written. I found myself sailing during calm weather. No waves, no storms whatsoever. It was a good flow. But… It was not boring but more like… a refreshing walk on the beach? Not that entertaining.

                      The main character has struggles, but he is kinda pathetic to look at. And I came to understand that a lot of people like to watch OP MC on this website which your MC isn't. And that's not a bad thing.

                      How-the-very-ever, your MC doesn’t show even a particular talent, he’s kinda plain to look at. We already know that he’s in the top 5 but there is nothing really showing it.

                      I thought he would be really different in the game but he just had to ask advice from Grace during the first raid showed in your novel. And this guy got duped by a small time character. To me, it’s not befitting a guy from the top 5. Although, all those aspects were very justified in your novel, there is something that doesn’t click there to me.

                      I think that you're trying to build an non too op character at first, or maybe he'll become downright OP in the near future. But I think you should give something for your readers to chew on before that happens.

                      Which brings me back to this: it’s too bookish.

                      Meaning it’s something I would find in a library with a slow but, interesting starter for those who know how to appreciate it, that works on making an overall build-up to emphasize the climax.

                      But as I see it, there is a need in online novels to have some semi-climaxes here and there, at least until your readers are well hooked. Meaning when they will not leave the story unless something extremely major happens. That's why I think a lot of people write shit tons of fight scenes to keep readers somewhat interested despite the lack of real depth to their story.

                      Although I’m saying this, but I’m really in the same situation as you are. That’s why I’m experimenting with a few things.

                      Anyway, I hope that was useful. Keep in mind that this is my take on it and what I've come to realize. Whatever you decide in the end is your choice.

                      Since I couldn’t really find anything else to say, I emphasized this point since I find it important. And ended up making a very long review in the process... LOL. That was unplanned for.

                      Read you later mate.

                        Hey! I'm looking for some constructive critism on my story! It's a bit on the dry side I feel and I'm worried if the pacing or the content is too boring... If you have any insight or advice I'm all ears!

                        My quiet life




                        In a world where rank, blood-ties and religion are intertwined; Silika Everest was living an idyllic life as the third child of the Marquess of Oblon.

                        That is until a faithful incident changed her life in ways she could never have imagined.

                        That day her quiet life began. An unforgiving life where all odds are stacked against her.

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