where do you see the chinese words?pages or error report?

  • Aush replied to this.

    username: Aush
    Gourmet of another world chapter 195

      ive seen this happen. some connection error made the error message pop up but it wasnt translated.

      more importantly then its being untranslated is what caused it :P

        Aush I think the bug is fixed now ,you can have a try to delete your chapter comment .😊

        • Aush replied to this.

          I do have screenshots, but i don’t know how to put it here

            shllove you shouldnt expect it anytime soon. ive only seen it once since joining and didnt put any thought into it.

              Aush upload them to some image hosting site and link it

              alternatively you can use puush(something that needs downloaded) and it will basically do the same thing.

              • Aush replied to this.

                i was so confused when i saw this XD had to open it on their site

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