Please help me if anyone get notified.
How can I put legit tags for my novel?
I tried editing it on website but it just shows that I'm the only one who can see the tags that I saved.
H E L P!!
Please help me if anyone get notified.
How can I put legit tags for my novel?
I tried editing it on website but it just shows that I'm the only one who can see the tags that I saved.
H E L P!!
Help to bab.....
Xenovraise I think it's the readers who adds them and the most popular ones stay there............
EsliEsma oh that's why... The ones I edit it is not showing up at all?
Xenovraise I believe you need to use desktop to edit the tags.
Primate I'll try then. Thanks!
Actually ive written my novels but havent posted it yet ,am planning on posting my novels on webnovel and wattpad how can i share my chapters from webnovel to wattpad ps am planning on using my mobile dont have a laptop is it okay hope i wont have problems in the future because of it
I was told that authors make money through petreon but do they have to pay petreon for their services and how do i get to be a member and pls what are their requirements
Please try out my fanfiction, A Bend in Time.
Hi,please I just want to ask whether it is compulsory that it is only the webnovel writer that has written up to 30,000 words that gets paid monthly only?
MJAgo Stop censuring others. You don't like it, then don't read it. Nobody is hurt by fictional words about fictional characters. Grow up.
MasterRabbink why and how protect your ip? You got me confused there
ThyUnknownSaint Basically what he/she means is that if you sign a contract with Qidian, they'll protect the IP for you. They have to, because the rights to your story and your IP now legally belongs to Qidian, not you. If someone copies/plagiarizes your work and sells it for a profit, Qidian will sue the guy and handle all the lawsuits. You don't have to worry about suing people or trying to protect your IP because Qidian will do it for you.
However, if you don't have a contract, then you still own your IP. It's still exclusive to you, you're the only holder of your IP. This means that if someone copies/plagiarizes your work and sells it for a profit, you'll have to track him or her down yourself, you'll have to take the initiative to sue him/her and handle all the lawsuits/legalities yourself. You'll have to hire your own lawyer as opposed to Qidian already having a legal team to do it for you (and them).
Want to ask about paragraph comments.
If there is any way i can find out what thhe readers are pointing at. sometime it is just so confusing when the word count crosses 5000
@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL is there any forbidden character that we use will made our stories banned from power vote?
@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL is there any forbidden character that we use will made our stories banned from power vote?
JApanese characters
I dont know about banning but there is power stone voting banning
Wutwutwutwut well now webnovel is removing this kind of novels so im happy now.......................
Tomoyuki What does IP mean? I'm confused now
ThyUnknownSaint IP is intellectual property.