With yours I'll be done in a day..
Here is mine.
September 2021- Review Swap here!
Meg_Goodhope hi, I've leave my review I look forward to yours :)
supremewillow Sure! Already added yours and will give it a read and review as well
supremewillow Do you like to exchange review...? I'll leave my link if your interested..
MayDreamer hello I am already done reviewing your novel
MayDreamer hello I am already done reviewing your novel
Yanie_Long just added yours, "Stranger in my Heart" will read soon and write my review.
Yanie_Long Here are mine!! Both books have connecting storylines!
Done reviewing yours..
Can't wait till you do mine..
SaberKey I'd be interested.
SaberKey I'd be interested.
Hellohworldd An Avatar fan, I'd love to.
Saint_Grey I'm in
illiterateLilac I'd love to review your work.
JJ_Prakoso I'll more likely review this if you review mine.
Freylingo I'd probably review swap.
anushka_puri I'll likely read this.
prettygirl_93 I might check your story out.
Shico_rai Ohhh, a Sci-fi. I'll probably read this one.