Willhem_Duy I have done yours, here is mine if you will. https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/24144979006539805?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4321416640
September 2021- Review Swap here!
TheOneWho_Asked done with yours too. Thank you!
RomanceFanatic028 wanna do a review swap or comment swap with me? Here is my link
It's done. Quite a nice story you written
Account_nolonger Sure. I am interested. We'll read 5 chapters of each other's book and give honest review.
RomanceFanatic028 great! I'm starting yours.
Here's mine
For all old readers, I just published a chapter. Check it out
You can read mine
Please leave a review if you like it
RomanceFanatic028 it's done
AYESHA_FAHIM let's review swap
Please leave an honest review
Leyanne_ Just left a review!
Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/yours-eternally_24117589906300205
Hi there, I am looking to swap reviews with anyone.
Disclaimer: I may not be active on forum much. But once I spot your review on my book, it will be a little less than an hour before I am done reviewing yours.
Here is the link to my book.
Thanks in advance to anyone who will see this and review my book. I promise to drop a nice review on yours too.
GrandSky sure
here's mine https://www.webnovel.com/book/are-you-sure-you-are-safe-with-me_24000252806349805
lemme do yours
GrandSky done