Title: My Man Is A Villain, So Am I!
Review swap? Anyone???
P.S. I'll add your book to my collection and like your tags as well.
September 2021- Review Swap here!
Mansam_Vijeshwer Lee_Grace08
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- Edited
Dyslexer Reviewed yours, here's mine. https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/21973020206733705?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4319532034
Chapter updated.
Please review
Mansam_Vijeshwer i collect first ok
Wander to the unknown,
Strange magic on site
Meet 'Beasts' of different kind.,
My Dear Reader,
I welcome you to
the 'Kingdom of Alementalia'.
"So, how did you become a Hero?'"
"By saving Half of Them and destroying My Kind."
Reviews, Comments and etc, are highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Rayne_Rue Hello, the link seems not be working. Thank you.
chery_cabral let me resend
restful_sins sure, I'll read yours right now.
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chery_cabral done will wait for your review