Devanshi_Rathod I'm reading yours now as well. I'm still on the early chapters hehehe. I will be posting it within today since there's a lot of chapter :O
Almost 50!!!! And I don't want to give a review halfway. I want to finish everything

    Devanshi_Rathod I'm reading yours now as well. I'm still on the early chapters hehehe. I will be posting it within today since there's a lot of chapter :O
    Almost 50!!!! And I don't want to give a review halfway. I want to finish everything

      Devanshi_Rathod Done! Weew... That was long. Hahahaha. Thanks for reviewing mine and thanks for the patience. Will read the other books I need to review now. Good job with your book and congrats as it is a paid story!

        AuthorShizuka I've added yours to my list. but I have to be honest. I ormised a few people to review theirs as well and they came before you. so it might take a few days before I finish yours is that fine?

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