@Arc_Valkyria Have finished yours! Definitely a good read, will recommend to others!
September 2021- Review Swap here!
Anyone want to review swap?
link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/ecto-yaksh_21166041206713305
Here's mine: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-rebirth-of-xiu'er_21099650305208705###
Soun_Phavin Here https://m.webnovel.com/book/heroes-of-valor_18796644806204905
jEONGjEONG Here is my novel if you wanna review it
Sorry for the delayed reply.. I was busy and will update my novel later. (4 chaps)
Anyone wants a review swap?!
Aqua_Senpai Done yours too..
Your novel is really good too and hope many people will check on it
Just_Scissors done. It's a really nice take on xianxia.
Alright, here's my link https://www.webnovel.com/book/chronicles-of-daoist-fan_21598274006009405
leo_5886 Let's do it, here's mine: https://www.webnovel.com/book/bookmaster-of-the-library-of-life's_20736767805268705
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FireEngine Here is mine. I will read your novel in the evening :D
Looking forward to read it
Anyone willing to review swap here is my link. drop yours by tagging my so i can easily find it.
Anyone willing to review swap here is my link. drop yours by tagging my so i can easily find it.
Let's review swap with each other...
Here is the link to my both the novels and also add them to your library. I will also do the same with your book...
Arc_Valkyria would you like to swap? https://www.webnovel.com/book/tell-no-one_19008570206066105
Arc_Valkyria would you like to swap? https://www.webnovel.com/book/tell-no-one_19008570206066105
Anyone interested in swap review https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/19147373005424505?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4315752548
KayLillyt_1 done.
Also, Arc_Valkyria where's your review?
BrightBrain256 I am. I'll just leave a simple review behind, okay? You can do the same if you want to.
Here's my link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/balance-and-chaos-changing-my-damned-fate_20195039005838005
Swap review anyone? https://www.webnovel.com/book/blood-suckers!_21435479206495605
Sir_WendoS Would you like to do a review swap? I'm gonna checkout your book right now. Please take a look at this one and leave a quick review if you get a chance
And to anyone else reading this, I'll leave a review in exchange to anyone who reviews my book today.
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Aqua_Senpai Im gonna checkout yours. Please take a look at mine
Pixiepiu I will
JJ_Prakoso I would love to
Pixiepiu I will
JJ_Prakoso I would love to
Pixiepiu I will
JJ_Prakoso I would love to
BrightBrain256 I am. I'll review once I have read all of your novel
BrightBrain256 I am. I'll review once I have read all of your novel
BrightBrain256 I am. I'll review once I have read all of your novel
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DymenS Sure and it's okay if you want to do a honest review
@KayLillyt_1 I am done reviewing yours. Do check out mine βTHE CHASE"
funicon I'll get right onto it now <3
funicon Really liked your story, like really really liked it! Left a review and even gave a stone because I was very pleasantly surprised!