September 2021- Review Swap here!
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JJ_Prakoso done, waiting for your review )
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AniTian Done too and thank you very much for the review too
JJ_Prakoso You are really a great author and person. Thanks again. It was a pleasure <3
Freylingo You seem excited . It's good to meet fellow authors with passion. Reminds me of when I started writing my first.
AniTian Ok heading your way now
Lord_of_sleep Sure here is mine for the reminder f
JJ_Prakoso Ok will read soon
Jake_Aroling Done) Waiting for your kind review <3
JJ_Prakoso Reviewed. Good work by the way. Guess we both writing superhero novels
Lord_of_sleep Yeah and I also already done reviewing book, SO far I do like the character interaction.
Akira_Monadelle I added your book to my library, and will read/review it shortly
JJ_Prakoso Glad you enjoyed mine like I did yours. Will set aside time to finish
AniTian I'll read and you'll get a review ASAP.
Freylingo Hey, I have reviewed yours as well!
Freylingo I'll check and review yours.
Here's mine
Freylingo I'll check and review yours.
Here's mine
Yes, yes. I added your book to my library and will get to it soon.
Here is mine:
Done with the review. I put the name of my novel as a comment to the review
PrugnaKerai Done reviewing your work! I hope you could also drop a review on mine.
Iām in need of some honest feedback for a short story (~6k words). Anyone interested?
Genre: Fantasy Romance, Action
Title: Legacy of Judah Gremory
No. of chapters: 156
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Comedy, Medieval Fantasy and Action
Synopsis: Judah Gremory it is not like every kid. He is really special... He is a member of Gremory Family, a family which is cursed for generations. And one of those curse it is dying at a young age or young adult. Most of the members of that family have decided to convert their Gremory blood into another family blood. Some have changed their whole life by becoming slaves, nobles workers and other disgusting things in Kingdom of Rodnia, or known as Kingdom of Romania.
Jump on this story to discover the adventures of a ten-year-old squire and his good friends, Ron, Gregonson, Lu, Fiona, Diana and Brothers Flint.
KayLillyt_1 done with your review, waiting for yours.
Happy_Person_8656 Hey. Would you like a swap review?
Here is mine:
Title: Legacy of Judah Gremory
No. of chapters: 156
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Comedy, Medieval Fantasy and Action
Synopsis: Judah Gremory it is not like every kid. He is really special... He is a member of Gremory Family, a family which is cursed for generations. And one of those curse it is dying at a young age or young adult. Most of the members of that family have decided to convert their Gremory blood into another family blood. Some have changed their whole life by becoming slaves, nobles workers and other disgusting things in Kingdom of Rodnia, or known as Kingdom of Romania.
Jump on this story to discover the adventures of a ten-year-old squire and his good friends, Ron, Gregonson, Lu, Fiona, Diana and Brothers Flint.
Yanie_Long done.
Lord_of_sleep hey still in for a review swap.
Here's mine
AniTian Hi, let's exchange reviews. Send the link
Here's mine.
JJ_Prakoso hi, let's swap Reviews send me your link I'll add to my collection and read later.
Here's mine.
Mia_Evergreen Sure here is the link f