MerrySweet Because I'm a strong believer of crossing my "T" s. Haha. It started for no reason, but then I wanted to challenge myself and see how far I could stick to my "t" s.
Hope you sleep well tonight. πŸ’“

GMSJakers yeah sure...added yours to my library..I will check up on it later.

    NyxReveuse sorry my reviews took time, just needed time to read your story and like seriously it was worth everything. I’ll be looking up to you author..

      MerrySweet done and dusted. It was worth my time..I have run out of power stone but I will definitely give you one when I have a new one. Sorry it took this long.

      dreamerx29 done and dusted. I’ll send you a power stone when I have one. Anyway the story was indeed a piece of art.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

      FA3zy Reviwed and collected. Going back to read more, I'm dying of curiosity to find out what happens next.

      GMSJakers done and dusted. Going back to read more before I start hallucinating the next chapter. Keep it up author

        Hello fellow writers and readers from india, we are making a community for indian authors, readers and artists to support and review each other's work and interact with other writers,

        I know there are a lot of talented indians here, this group is for you, I hope its allowed to post about this here

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        Deja_Andio Just did yours please do the same and of you like leave some comments too..and add to library...I would insist when you are writing a review make it by reading the Last volume...cause none has gone there till now...I guess...I just want the review on last volume and last chapters....please! Thanks

          Hi! For those of you who are interested in reading my book and writing a review.
          Name: Miss Troublemaker
          Here is the link
          It is a romance novel enriched with the thrills of laughter.
          Well i am pretty sure that the novel will glue itself to you on its own but just in case!
          I would really appreciate it if you read at least the first 5 chapters before jumping to the conclusion (they are small so it won't take much time)


          Those who are reviewing kindly drop the links of your novels so that i can add them to my library and give you a review and comments as well.

          Let me know, I am waiting!!!!

            0Mashroom just added to my library. i will leave a review when am done reading

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