Precious_Onwe Okay I would read yours and give a review, my username is letme_7
September 2021- Review Swap here!
Precious_Onwe Okay I would read yours and give a review, my username is letme_7
Anyone interested in review swap, leave you link below. Here are the details of my novel.
Title: The Eye of Blessed
Genre: Fantasy(Female Lead)
Synopsis: Always in the thought of exploring herself and the world to be an independent and strong girl instead of being a weak cute little girl, How will Nina tackle if she is connected to a mysterious forest in the name of LOVE in the middle of her journey?
Will destiny and love help her in achieving her goal to become a strong woman?
Book Link:
Book_Pen lnterested. I'll drop a review of your book. Miner's the link below.
Book_Pen lnterested. I'll drop a review of your book. Miner's the link below.
Leigh_Green Added to my lib, will review it today
Leigh_Green I'm interested in reading your book~ If you're up for a awap, here's my link:
Would someone review this book for me please? I'll do a review swap once you've given mine.
Leigh_Green Hi! I'm up for the review swap.
Here's mine:
lala_sanara Heyya, I'm up for swap review!
Precious_Onwe Done, letme_7 is my username I dropped a review please do the same for mine
Precious_Onwe Done, letme_7 is my username I dropped a review please do the same for mine
Rewiew swap, here's my link.
Rewiew swap, here's my link.
Leigh_Green hii, i’m interested to do a review swap! Here’s mine~
Title : The queen of shadows
Link :
Will review your within 1-4 days time!
Romance/Drama review. I will read anything. 90 chapters so just read the last 5 and tell me what you think.
I'm not online a lot so as soon as I see a new review I'll go review the works of the person.
illiterateLilac hi. Will you drop a review of this one? I'll review yours in a swap.
Thanks for the review, i just reviewed yours, sorry it took hours, different time zones