Please note that this novel is fictional, and as such, the characters and organizations within are merely the subject of the author's intellectual devices.
The year is 1009 A.D. Huanzhi Ren is the Unknown Swordsman, an assassin with over 37 years of experience in murdering adversaries. He has been the death of countless young warriors, 1200 to be exact. Among those who have fallen to his blade is even the former king, Qinluo. This man is considered by many to be a villain. His closest companion, you ask? A man named Suntao. His blood brother since abandonment. Huanzhi, also called Zhi or Zhi-zhi, has the aspirations to be the greatest warrior the martial arts world has ever known. By the way, screw all of these titles, I'm not gonna lie... that's pretty long to remember. "The Greatest Warrior the Martial Arts World Has Ever Known." Think that fits on a name tag? Hell no.
In any case, Huanzhi is told of a pill by his blood brother that is rumored to give the absorber of it the amount of qi cultivation of 89 years of isolation training. The only problem? It's guarded by some of the greatest warriors to walk the realm... and Zhi-zhi can't fight with his right arm. Just before dying from his wounds from a fight with Lu Gongfen "The Falling Lotus Petal" (Seriously man, who names these stupid titles), Zhi regrets all the vile acts he has committed. As such, he is given a second chance at life. A chance to redeem himself. The only problem? It's 2023, and he doesn't have a blood brother around to keep him in check.
Please read the prologue for the background!
Thank you for taking the time to read this pathetic little excuse of what I consider a novel... AND FOR GOD'S SAKE SOMEONE LEAVE A REVIEW! I'M CHOKING ON MY LATE NIGHT COFFEE IN SUSPENSE AS I WAIT FOR ONE MEASLY "You suck!" OR SOMETHING ALONG THOSE LINES! THROW ME A BONE HERE!
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If you enjoy the novel, then please read the WSA Version. Thanks so much!
YOU GUYS HAVE INSPIRED ME TO DO SO MUCH! I've written over 40k words in only two weeks when my previous and first novel took me one year to write 80k! I am so grateful for you guys motivating me to keep me going! Thanks so much for everything! I WISH I COULD GIVE YOU ALL A KISS!... WELL... NOT THAT MUCH, BUT STILL THE GESTURE SHOULD BE APPRECIATED FROM THE STATEMENT!
Additional tags include:
(Martial Arts) (Taoist Warrior) (Dark to Light) (Evil to Good) (Cultivator) (Regret) (No-Harem) (One Love for Life) (Kills For Good) (Man Hunt) (Organized Crime)
Updated Regularly (Usually, every 2 days, however, can be longer or shorter depending on my mood).
Enjoy, and if you don't... Zhi-Zhi'll be after you soon... Don't you worry. I'll call him off.