The novels have become frivolous, boring, and perverted because of the author. He needs to read my comment just to benefit: the handsome hero with a friendly and kind family, a beautiful and warm mother, a beautiful or domineering sister, a likable and shy little brother, and a strong-hearted father, of course always the hero's family people They are good and enforce the law and love people of course they are angels, you will not find the hero's family of sadistic villains, thieves and murderers. And all the girls in the world of course only who have a dazzling beauty need his help, and those poor little girls feel the responsibility to help and save them, the hero whose biggest concern when he gets super power is to save humanity and the world. Something disgusting and vulgar all the novels have become a deviant character. The reader hates such novels because they have nothing to do with human truth, because they depict angels of peace and love. We wish the authors to change this trivial pattern and show us the true human instincts. Selfishness, anger, murder, theft, arrogance, pride, fraud, deception, impersonal, self-interested, does not care about anyone, does not interfere in the affairs of others, does not help people, this is how the novel will become interesting You will not be able to predict the actions of the characters The events will become unexpected And enthusiastic, and it will bring a new revolution in the field of novels because such a character does not exist. There is one novel that I know is Revenend insanity. I guarantee you the success of your novel even if you are a beginner. Don't make the hero crazy, don't make him stupid, make him only care about his interests

    ric3cak3 Unfortunately, most of them wear masks, even though it's just a fantasy, I hope my message reaches, we need a gray character, neither white nor black

    But that actually requires planning, and hard work, and maybe even creativity? The cost to earn ratio doesn't add up man.

    Anyways, characters like those do exists, and there are some authors who aren't the average joe. Most of those I read are raw tho.

    Master_Of_gu I think there are definitely books on here that go for morally gray.

    For me, I think most of my main characters have very obvious personality flaws (hubris, selfishness, etc), and the majority of the story development also mirrors character development.

    Maybe it's just my reading list, but a lot of books that I read from friends on here also do have morally gray characters as well. So if you look in the corners a little bit, there should be something to read :D

      I literally wrote a novel because I was sick of these tropes and decided to make it right! But it's important not to overdose on what you call

      Master_Of_gu . Selfishness, anger, murder, theft, arrogance, pride, fraud, deception, impersonal, self-interested, does not care about anyone, does not interfere in the affairs of others, does not help people

      because over the top evil characters are as boring as good mary sues! you must make your character's psychological process, inner monologues, and logical thinking believable and internally consistent, that way you can write a good story!

      listen...I can write a totally dumbass character, whose entire character revolves around having low IQ and his only dream in life is sniffing some cauliflowers. Literal cauliflowers, not to be confused with broccoli.
      And then he will refuse to help a starving orphan because his god damn cauliflower is more important than that. He will agonize, and hate himself, but soon forget everything as soon as beloved cauliflower is in his nostrils. And then the time will come to look for another cauliflower and more effort and pain and sacrifice will follow.

      Rinse and repeat until death. Got me?

      6 days later

      Another suggestion, if you are planning to write a novel with a good character, don't post it on this platform. Because webnovel is literally flooded with the SAME kind of generic, bland novels that are conducive to multiple clicks and quick reads. There is no depth.

      Unfortunately this is how these web publishing platforms work. Someone finds a formula that works, and a room full of chimps start clacking away at the keyboard releasing the same shit except maybe the character names are different.

      Like, somehow 'Sign-in Buddha Palm' found some success and then BOOM we have n-number of novels with the protagonist lazing away in the cold palace or some shit like that. There was one where the protagonist was a eunuch, and I thought that was gonna have some impact on the story (maybe as part of the comedy) but then he does a total body rebirth-no-Jutsu and grows some balls (literally in this case).

      Anyways, as I was saying, if ya'll are writing interesting characters, post it on a platform where your work won't get drowned in a sea of shit.

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        It's all about perspective, like they say, "one man's trash is another man's wife". The world is changing, especially with the opening of the secret realm a few decades ago.

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