When I try to go to latest under fanfiction browsing its stuck with fics that updated 24 hours ago and nothing new is coming.
is the last fanfic updated under latest updates which I know isn't true since I've seen others updated since then. If someone could fix this it'd be appreciated.
Browse fanfics page isn't working.
same here but for 2 day like that for me
Same here, at first i thought it was some connectivity issue or something but even a day later it stayed the same
same here anyone here any timeframe on the fix?
i was thinking of clearing cache but then what is not related to that wouldn't i just doing for no reason :/ hopefully there is a response soon
this has happened before and they took like almost 2 months to do anything about it so don't get your hopes up especially since they still havnt fixed the continue reading button and it's been broken for months
wonder sometimes if there is actual staff for this platform or its automated crap xD
- Edited
If it takes this long, I think they don't care about the fanfiction section. They don't make money from it.
Zecoh well the whole platform is buggy af as far i can see the bug reports
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Is it still like that?