This might be a dumb queestion, but screw that.
To any authors here who are writing more than 1 book, I want to know how hard it is?
I'm currently planning yo write a 2nd book, but I don't have that much free time to edit and write 2 books at once, so here's some questions to proffesionals here?
1) How much time does it take for you to finish a chapter for each books?
2)Do you have schedules for when you'll write a new chapters for each book? Like monday - wednesday is first book and thursday - saturday is second book? Is it something like that?
3) How hard is it exactly to write more than one book? Do you have free time to do other things?
4)If you have about more than 2 books that you're writing, how do you even survive that? Did you sell your soul to the devils for that to work?